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منطقة الجوف تاريخ وحضارة

Al-Jouf History and Civilization

The Al-Jouf region is located in the northwestern part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 


Achievement and Excellence
Achievement and Excellence

Achievement and Excellence

Achievements that reflect the excellence and creativity of Jouf University in all fields...

Education and learning
Education and learning

Education and learning

Teaching and learning can improve the quality of academic achievement of Jouf University students...

President of the university

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Alshaya
President of the university
Advancing society through Innovative Educational and research excellence.

It gives me great pleasure - on my own behalf and on behalf of the university’s male and female employees - to welcome everyone to Al-Jouf University, which is considered one of the landmarks of the national renaissance in the north of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With the generous care and unlimited support I received from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Highness the faithful Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz - may God protect them - Read more +


What's happening around Jouf University


Jouf Journal

مجلس جامعة الجوف يعقد جلسته السادسة

Chaired by His Excellency, the University President, Prof Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, with the attendance of the Council's members: the university’ vice rectors and deans of colleges and suppor

خبر الأمن السيبراني والذكاء الاصطناعي درع رقمي لمكافحة الفكر المتطرف

Under the patronage of His Excellency, the President of Jouf University, Prof Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, and within the activities of the "Wa'ei" (Aware)  initiative, the Departm

جامعة الجوف تحتفي بذكرى يوم التأسيس  السعودي

In a distinctive festival atmosphere that combined authenticity and modernity, Jouf University organized a celebration of the anniversary of the Founding Day under the patronage and attendance of H

ورشة عمل حول التواصل الفعال ودوره في تحسين بيئة العمل

Within the university' efforts to achieve its strategic vision concerning to leadership and excellence in education, scientific research and community service, and its keenness to develop and enhan

تدشين مشروع السجل المهاري لتنمية المهارات

Based on the university' vision to empower its students, support its outputs' quality, achieve excellence in qualifying students and graduates, and enable them to build strong CVs that reflect thei

المجلس الاستشاري

Jouf University' President Chairs the Meeting of the Advisory Council for Faculty Members to Discuss the Possibilities of Developing Researchers and Enhancing the Scientific Research Environmen

التشاوري الرابع

The University’ President, Prof Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Chairs the Fourth Consultative Meeting for the Academic Year 1446 AH to Review the Goals of Colleges and Deanships for 2025

خبر التفاهم مع أوراكل.

Jouf University Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Oracle to Enhance Digital Transformation and Empowerment in Cloud Computing Services

مذكرة هواوي

Jouf University Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Huawei to Enhance Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence

بطولة الجامعات

Jouf University achieved distinguished results with its students' winning two medals (gold and silver) in the Saudi University Sports Federation Karate Championship in its fifteenth season, hosted

رئيس جامعة الجوف، أ.د. محمد بن عبد الله الشايع، يلتقي مع ممثلي صندوق تنمية الموارد البشرية "هدف" لبحث أوجه التعاون والاستفادة من مبادرات وبرامج الصندوق المتنوعة التي تسهم في دعم الطلاب والخريجين وتأهيلهم لسوق العمل

في إطار جهود جامعة الجوف لتعزيز الشراكات الاستراتيجية مع القطاعات المختلفة، وتوفير الدعم والتأهيل لطلابها وخريجيها، استقبل سعادة رئيس جامعة الجوف، أ.د محمد بن عبد الله الشايع، وبحضور، د علاء بن صال

المجلس الاستشاري للموظفين

His Excellency the University' President, Prof Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, holds a meeting with the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff in the presence of a number of administrative leade

برئاسة سعادة رئيس الجامعة، أ.د. محمد بن عبد الله الشايع، مجلس جامعة الجوف يعقد جلسته الخامسة ويقر عددًا من التوصيات لتعزيز العملية الأكاديمية والبحثية

Chaired by His Excellency the University President, Prof Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, with the attendance of the Council's members from the university’ vice rectors and deans of colleges and sup

خبر اجتماع الرئيس مع عمادة شؤون الطلاب 1

Within the framework of Jouf University' keenness to enhance the university experience and achieve its strategic goals, the President of Jouf University holds a meeting with the Dean and Vice Deans

مختبر التاريخ الوطني

Under the patronage of His Royal Highness; Prince Faisal bin Salman bin Abdul-Aziz 'Al Saud, Special Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the King


Under the patronage and attendance of His Excellency; the President of Jouf University, Prof Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Shaya; Jouf University, represented by the Deanship of Student Affairs, announc

البحث العلمي

As part of Jouf University' commitment to enhancing the scientific research process and advancing graduate studies, His Excellency; the President of the University, Prof.

مختبر التاريخ الوطني

Jouf University participated in the activities of the National History Laboratory, the competitive event held by King Abdul-Aziz' Foundation, that is considered one of the leading national initiati

 التكليفات الإدارية

Based on the goals of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, focusing on empowering women in all sectors aa a fundamental pillar of sustainable development and a main spring to achieving a vibrant society and

الأمير سلطان بن سلمان يقود شراكة علمية لتعزيز البحث العلمي في مجال الإعاقة بين مركز الملك سلمان لأبحاث الإعاقة وجامعة الجوف

His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdul-Aziz, Special Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Salman Center for Disability R

رئيس الجامعة، أ.د. محمد بن عبد الله الشايع، يعقد عددًا من الاجتماعات مع عمداء الكليات الإدارية والإنسانية؛ ووكلائها لمناقشة الاستعدادات للفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي 1446هـ والتأكيد على تحقيق مستهدفات الجامعة

In line with the university' plan to enhance the quality of education and achieve its strategic goals within the framework of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, His Excellency, the President of Jouf Univer

سعادة رئيس جامعة الجوف، أ.د. محمد بن عبد الله الشايع، يستقبل أعضاء المجلس الاستشاري لكلية العلوم لتعزيز الشراكات الأكاديمية والبحثية

Based on Jouf University' keenness to achieve its vision and mission in building a promising generation contributing effectively to the sustainable development of the Kingdom, and its commitment to

رئيس جامعة الجوف، أ.د. محمد بن عبد الله الشايع، يترأس مجلس الجامعة في جلسته الرابعة للعام الجامعي 1446هـ. واستعرض المجلس العديد من الموضوعات الأكاديميَّة والإداريَّة؛ والتي تم اتخاذ التَّوصيات المناسبة حيالها.

Jouf University Council held its fourth meeting for the academic year 1446 AH, headed by His Excellency, the University President, Prof Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-'Shaya with the attendance of the Co

 لقاء الرئيس بالكليات العلمية

Based on the university' plan aimed at enhancing the quality of education and achieving the university' strategic goals in accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and within the framework of kee

اجتماع لجنة الاستثمار

As part of the university' plan to support plans and strategies aimed at enhancing the university' financial resources, investing its capabilities, and achieving maximum benefit from its human and

رئيس الجامعة، أ.د محمد بن عبد الله الشايع، يعقد عددًا من الاجتماعات مع عمداء الكليات الصحية ووكلائها؛ للتأكيد على تحقيق مستهدفات الجامعة خلال الفصل الدراسي الثاني من العام الجامعي 1446هـ

As part of the university' plan aiming at enhancing the quality of education and achieving the university' strategic goals in accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030, His Excellency; the Universi

الاجتماع التشاوري الثالث لعمداء الكليات والعمادات المساندة للعام الجامعي 1446هـ

As part of the university' ongoing efforts to ensure the university' readiness at the beginning of the second semester, the university president, Prof Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-'Shaya, held an expan

طالبات كلية الصيدلة بجامعة الجوف يحققن المركز الرابع في مؤتمر ومعرض دبي الدولي للصيدلة والتكنولوجيا

Female Students of the College of Pharmacy at Jouf University have achieved a remarkable milestone by securing the fourth place in the research awards category at Dubai International Pharmaceutical

اجتماع مع وكلاء الجامعة

The President of Jouf University, Prof Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, held a meeting with the university's vice Rectorates, within the framework of the university' strategy to discuss the executiv

اللجنة العليا للتعاملات الإلكترونية

In a step reflecting the university's commitment to development and the pursuit of digital leadership, His Excellency; the President of Jouf University, Prof Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, chaired

 التكليفات الإدارية

As part of Jouf University's efforts to enhance administrative efficiency and support institutional work at the university, His Excellency; the President of the University has issued a number of ad

 اجتماع اللجنة العليا للمشاريع

The President of Jouf University chaired the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Projects, which included a comprehensive review of updates on developmental projects.

اجتماع المجلس الاستشاري الطلابي
His Excellency, the President of Jouf University, Prof. Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Alshaya, chaired the meeting of the Student Advisory Council, in the presence of the university’s vice presidents, the dean of the Deanship of Student Affairs, the vice deans, and thirty-three male and female students representing the various colleges.
رئيس الجامعة ا.د. محمد الشايع

Message from the University President, Prof. Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, on the Occasion of the New Academic Year 1446 H

 ju president

To our graduating students, I say: today marks the end of a significant phase of your lives, a phase of diligence, hard work, and study.

سير العمل بعمادة القبول والتسجيل

President of Jouf University, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Oversees Operations at the Deanship of Admissions and Registration

 برامج جديدة للقبول في مرحلة البكالوريوس ابتداءً من العام الجامعي 1446هـ

In collaboration between Jouf University and the Saudi Electronic University, a branch of the Saudi Electronic University was inaugurated in Al-Qurayyat Governorate in the Al-Jouf region.

جامعة الجوف توقع مذكرة تفاهم مع جامعة نجران

The cooperation memorandum between the two parties aims to enhance collaboration in research areas


Under the patronage and honor of His Excellency the President of Jouf University, Prof. Dr.

نظّمت جامعة الجوف محاضرة بعنوان «المحافظة على أمن المعلومات وأثره في المواطنة الحقة» ألقاها مدير مركز المعلومات
أكد مختصون، أن ما نسبته 1 إلى 5 أشخاص من كل 10 آلاف شخص في العالم يصابون بال

Scientific research is a strategic value for Jouf University

Jouf University focuses its research on creating sustainable solutions to local, regional and global challenges. The university gives priority to scientific research in strategic fields.

Jouf university

Academic Indicators

Diverse Students

More than 15500 students registered.

Diverse Specialities

Discover 18 colleges in the entire Al-Jouf region.


7 ranked programs by QS 

Accredited Programs

Discover 7 internationality accredit programs.

Campus Life

One of our priorities is to care for the quality of student life by providing a distinguished academic environment, in addition to various activities and events that enhance the student’s university experience.
