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His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Meets with Members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff to Discuss the Means of Developing the Environmental Work and Improving the Institutional Performance.

His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, holds a meeting with the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff in the presence of a number of administrative leaders at the university, to discuss the means of developing the environmental work and improving the institutional performance in order to achieve the highest standards of quality and administrative excellence. This meeting comes within the framework of the university' keenness to enhance the effective communication with its members and discuss the ways to improve the environment of the administrative work.

His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Meets with Members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff to Discuss the Means of  Developing the Environmental Work and Improving the Institutional Performance.
His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Meets with Members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff to Discuss the Means of  Developing the Environmental Work and Improving the Institutional Performance.

His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, holds a meeting with the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff in the presence of a number of administrative leaders at the university, to discuss the means of developing the environmental work and improving the institutional performance in order to achieve the highest standards of quality and administrative excellence. This meeting comes within the framework of the university' keenness to enhance the effective communication with its members and discuss the ways to improve the environment of the administrative work.

His Excellency pointed out that the university is keen to involve administrative staff in decision-making, which reflects its commitment to developing institutional performance according to the highest standards

His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Meets with Members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff to Discuss the Means of  Developing the Environmental Work and Improving the Institutional Performance.
His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Meets with Members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff to Discuss the Means of  Developing the Environmental Work and Improving the Institutional Performance.

He also directed the relevant departments to study the submitted proposals and work on implementing what serves the interest of the university and enhances the quality of administrative work. He pointed out that the university always seeks to develop the performance of fellow employees through training courses. 

The number of applicants for training courses through the Institute of Management has reached (680) applicants from which, 400 employees have received training. The Deanship of Development and Quality recently held (8) courses in (6) training fields, from which (177) employees have benefited so far. The university intends in its training plan for the year 2025 to provide a number of courses exceeding (48) courses in the administrative, financial and technical fields, targeting more than (1260) male and female employees in all branches of the university.

His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Meets with Members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff to Discuss the Means of  Developing the Environmental Work and Improving the Institutional Performance.
اعضاء المجلس الاستشاري للموظفين

The number of applicants for training courses through the Institute of Management has reached (680) applicants from which, 400 employees have received training. The Deanship of Development and Quality recently held (8) courses in (6) training fields, from which (177) employees have benefited so far. The university intends in its training plan for the year 2025 to provide a number of courses exceeding (48) courses in the administrative, financial and technical fields, targeting more than (1260) male and female employees in all branches of the university.

His Excellency, the President also stressed the university' keenness to support administrative cadres and provide a stimulating work environment that enhances productivity and contributes to achieving the university' strategic goals. 

His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Meets with Members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff to Discuss the Means of  Developing the Environmental Work and Improving the Institutional Performance.
His Excellency the University' President, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Meets with Members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff to Discuss the Means of  Developing the Environmental Work and Improving the Institutional Performance.

For their part, the members of the Advisory Council for Administrative Staff expressed their thanks and appreciation to His Excellency, the University' President for his continuous support and interest in improving the work' environment, praising his keenness to listen to their comments, stressing their keenness to contribute to achieving the university’ vision and strategic goals, and working to enhance quality and excellence in administrative performance, and achieving the ambitious goals that the university seeks within the framework of its future vision.

اعضاء المجلس الاستشاري للموظفين


اعضاء المجلس الاستشاري للموظفين


اعضاء المجلس الاستشاري للموظفين


اعضاء المجلس الاستشاري للموظفين


