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رئيس جامعة الجوف، أ.د. محمد بن عبد الله الشايع، يترأس مجلس الجامعة في جلسته الرابعة للعام الجامعي 1446هـ. واستعرض المجلس العديد من الموضوعات الأكاديميَّة والإداريَّة؛ والتي تم اتخاذ التَّوصيات المناسبة حيالها.

Jouf University Council held its fourth meeting for the academic year 1446 AH, headed by His Excellency, the University President, Prof Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-'Shaya with the attendance of the Co

 لقاء الرئيس بالكليات العلمية

Based on the university' plan aimed at enhancing the quality of education and achieving the university' strategic goals in accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and within the framework of kee

اجتماع لجنة الاستثمار

As part of the university' plan to support plans and strategies aimed at enhancing the university' financial resources, investing its capabilities, and achieving maximum benefit from its human and
