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Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center


Jouf University focuses its research

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center is directly linked to the Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at the university. It works to support the entrepreneurship ecosystem within the university, specifically, and in the Al-Jouf region, generally. The center contributes to spreading the culture of entrepreneurship and provides support to young people, helping them turn their dreams into reality, which not only builds their self-reliance but also strengthens the national economy. This is achieved through a comprehensive package of services, consultations, facilities, and support mechanisms provided for a specific period, enabling them to eventually become self-sufficient and establish their entrepreneurial projects outside the center's incubators.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center
  • Vision

To make the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at Al-Jouf University a platform for nurturing and incubating entrepreneurial ideas and projects.

  • Mission

A comprehensive center capable of creating a suitable environment to enhance innovation and transform promising ideas into entrepreneurial projects aligned with the general objectives of Al-Jouf University's strategic plan, contributing to the fulfillment of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 developmental aspirations.

  • General Goal: 

Supporting innovation and entrepreneurship activities in alignment with Vision 2030.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center
  • Sub-goals and Detailed Objectives:

 - Stimulating creativity and innovation in scientific research to increase the potential of transforming research and innovations into projects or products.

 - Increasing the number of patents registered annually by the university's faculty members and students.

 - Promoting the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the university and the local community.

 - Fostering a culture of creative thinking and providing high-value economic solutions and ideas that contribute to building a knowledge-based economy.

 - Contributing to improving the Kingdom’s ranking in the Global Innovation Index.

 - Investing in the ideas and innovations of the university’s members and transforming them into products or commercial projects.

 - Increasing the economic return and tangible outcomes from the university’s scientific research.

 - Encouraging and solidifying the establishment of incubators and accelerators within the university.

 - Supporting the establishment and management of projects initiated by university members.

 - Supporting existing projects and accelerating their growth to enhance their social and economic contributions to the university and the local community.

 - Building effective networks to support innovation and entrepreneurship with other supporting institutions.

 - Marketing the university’s innovations and entrepreneurial projects both locally and globally.

Units of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center
  • Innovation and Patent Unit
  • Business Incubator Unit
  • Business Accelerator Unit
  • Investment Unit
  • Partnerships Unit
  • Administrative and Technical Affairs Unit
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center