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President's word
I am pleased to welcome everyone to Jouf University on my own behalf and on behalf of the university's employees...
Personal Information

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Alshaya

President of Jouf University

Professor of Sociology - King Saud University


Academic Qualifications
  • Bachelor's Degree - Department of Sociology and Social Service - Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud University
  • Master's Degree - Kansas State University, USA - Department of Sociology
  • Ph.D. - Kansas State University, USA - Department of Sociology

President's word


I am pleased to welcome everyone to Jouf University, which is one of the milestones of the national renaissance in the north of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, thanks to the generous patronage and unlimited support of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, and the continuous follow-up of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the keen interest of His Excellency the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al-Sheikh. Under the continuous follow-up of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Governor of Jouf Region, and the keen interest of His Excellency the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al-Sheikh, the university has become a prestigious edifice that witnesses - day after day - continuous achievements. Day after day - continuous achievements and qualitative leaps; according to set goals and high ambitions; to become a distinguished institution that contributes to providing pioneering university education that fulfills the ambitions of the nation and meets the requirements of the geographical scope of the university, by strengthening the infrastructure, developing the university's academic, research and community outputs, and qualifying generations capable of moving on the path of progress and competition in various medical, health, engineering, scientific, administrative and humanitarian fields, believing that education is one of the main pillars by which countries progress.

 Through its vision, the university is on its way - God willing - to reach global leadership and achieve excellence locally, regionally and globally. The university has set targets to achieve what the university should be in 2030, and has made it its mission to provide distinguished scientific and research outputs, setting among its priorities to build a solid educational system linked to the needs of the labor market, based on the development of academic programs closely related to the requirements of the local community, and providing educational opportunities for all; in accordance with the human capacity development program, through

  • Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Alshaya
  • President of the university
2020 – PresentPresidentJouf University
2014-2020Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific ResearchMajmaah University
2012-2013Acting Vice-Rector -Majmaah University
2012-2013Vice-Rector for Educational AffairsMajmaah University
2010-2013Dean of the College of EducationMajmaah University
2008-2010Vice Dean of the College of Arabic Language and Social StudiesQassim University
2006-2008Head of the Department of Sociology and Social WorkQassim University
2021 to PresentPresident of the Council of Jouf University.
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee for the Institute of Research, Consulting Studies, and Training
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee on Projects
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee for Intellectual Awareness
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee for Scientific Research and Innovation
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee for Development and Technology
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee for Ranking and International Cooperation
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Committee for the Creation and Development of Programs
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Committee for Investment
2021 to PresentChairman of the Supreme Committee for Strategic Planning
2018-2020Chairman of the committee to prepare a five-year plan to Saudis the jobs occupied by non-Saudi
2018-2020Chairman of the committee for nominating local and international awards for scientific research
2017-2023Chairman of the Scientific Research Ethics Committee
2016-2017Chairman of the University Publishing and Translation Committee
2012-2020Chairman of the Scientific Council
2012-2020Chairman of Demonstrators and Lecturers Committee
2012-2020Chairman of the Scholarship and Training Committee."
2012-2020Chairman of the Oversight Committee for Scientific Research Chairs
2012-2020Chairman of the Promotions Committee of the Scientific Council
2012-2020Chairman of the Higher Promotions Committee.
2012-2020Chairman of the Committee for Reviewing the Redistribution of Employees by Specialization
2013-2014Chairman of the Administrative Promotions Committee for Senior Employees
2012-2013Chairman of the Academic Scheduling and External Teaching Cooperation Committee
2012-2013Chairman of the Permanent Educational Affairs Committee.
2012-2013Chairman of the Central Contracting Committee
2012-2013Chairman of the University Safety and Security Committee
2012-2013Chairman of the Employee Discipline Committee.
2012-2013Chairman of the General Student Discipline Committee
2012-2013Chairman of the Reports Preparation and Plans Follow-up Committee
2012-2013Chairman of the Committee for Studying Applications for Non-Saudi Scholarship Students
2013Chairman of the Committee for Supervising Development and Training Programs
2013Chairman of the Committee for Establishing the Central Library
2013-2017Chairman of the Committee for Following Up on Recommendations of the General Audit Bureau
2012-2017Chairman of the Committee for Addressing the Situations of Faculty Members and Those in Equivalent Position
2019- up to nowChairman of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Social Studies at King Saud University
2013-2020Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Humanities and Administrative Sciences at Majmaah University
2013-2020Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Annals of Majmaah University for Research and Studies
2013-2020Chair Professor of Al-Jazeera Newspaper for New Media
 Former Member of the Scientific Committee at the National Center for Social Studies
 Former Member of the Scientific Committee for the Abdulaziz Al-Tuwaijri Chair for Human Studies at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University
 Former Member of the Board of Trustees at Al-Yamamah University

1.    Media and Its Relationship with Youth Alienation - Conference on Media and Societal Challenges - Yarmouk University.
2.    The Role of the Family in Promoting Intellectual Security Among Its Children - International Conference on Positive Thinking Culture.
3.    The Role of Social Media in Enhancing the Concept of Self Among Children with Special Needs - Journal of Humanities and Administrative Sciences - Majmaah University.
4.    "A Social Reading of the Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Forum of the Saudi Association for Social Studies.
5.    The Status of Saudi Women in Saudi Society - Presented at the International Conference on Family Relations and Counseling in the United States of America.

1.    Former Advisor to His Royal Highness the Emir of Al-Qassim Region.
2.    Former Part-time Consultant at the Ministry of Education.

1.    Former Advisor to His Royal Highness the Emir of Al-Qassim Region.
2.    Former Part-time Consultant at the Ministry of Education.

1.    Member of the Al-Jouf Region Council.
2.    Member of the Higher Localization Committee in Al-Jouf Region from 2021 to Present.
3.    Member of the Supreme Coordinating Committee for Supporting and Assisting the Implementation of Projects and Services in Al-Jouf Region.
4.    Member of the Supreme Traffic Safety Committee in Al-Jouf Region.
5.    Founder and Former Member of the Board of the Orphan Care Association in Al-Qassim.
6.    Founder and Former Member of the Board of the Housing Association in Al-Qassim.

1.    PhD Thesis titled 'Saudi University Students' Attitudes Towards the Effects of Globalization on National Identity' - by Abdullah Al-Huraish - Department of Sociology at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University.
2.    PhD Thesis titled 'Social Dimensions of Infertility in Saudi Society' - by Sihaam Al-Azzam - Department of Sociology at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University.
3.    Thesis 'The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity Among Saudi Youth' - by Saleh Al-Anzi - Department of Sociology at Qassim University."
4.    Social Stigma of Obesity and Its Implications for Women: A Study Applied to a Sample of Women Visiting Obesity Surgery Clinics, by Nahla Ali Roumi Roman Al-Sulami.

1. Al-Marsad Program (Saudi News Channel).
2. Social Media and Psychological Issues: Reality or Hypothesis.
3. Online Sexual Exploitation of Children: Devils in the Shadows.
4. Legal Ruqyah: Trade or Treatment.
5. Education Arenas: Unprecedented Chaos.
6. Phone Intervention with the Program 'Here Riyadh' Regarding the Sympathy Towards New Zealand Among Muslims.
7. Participation in the Program '120 Minutes.


