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Jouf University Organizes a Workshop on Effective Communication and Its Role in Improving the Work Environment to Achieve the University' Vision and Strategic Goals

Within the university' efforts to achieve its strategic vision concerning to leadership and excellence in education, scientific research and community service, and its keenness to develop and enhance the skills of university members, by promoting a work environment that stimulates creativity and innovation, and achieving administrative excellence by building academic and administrative cadres that possess effective communication skills and positive interaction, Jouf University organized a workshop entitled "Effective Communication and Its Role in Improving the Work Environment"

Jouf University Organizes a Workshop on Effective Communication and Its Role in Improving the Work Environment to Achieve the University' Vision and Strategic Goals
Jouf University Organizes a Workshop on Effective Communication and Its Role in Improving the Work Environment to Achieve the University' Vision and Strategic Goals

The workshop was presented by His Excellency Prof. Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Nassar; with the aim of enhancing communication skills among university members, and improving the work environment by building professional relationships based on mutual understanding and positive interaction.

His Excellency, the President of the University, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, emphasized that the university appreciates the role of these workshops and courses that aim to achieve the university' strategic goals of enhancing the university work environment and improving internal communication among university employees, which raises the level of job satisfaction, and achieving institutional sustainability by improving the work environment and raising the level of administrative performance, which contributes to achieving the university' ambitious goals in accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030.

Jouf University Organizes a Workshop on Effective Communication and Its Role in Improving the Work Environment to Achieve the University' Vision and Strategic Goals
Jouf University Organizes a Workshop on Effective Communication and Its Role in Improving the Work Environment to Achieve the University' Vision and Strategic Goals

The workshop was attended by a number of vice deans of colleges and supporting deanships, heads of scientific departments, general managers and department managers, as its axes addressed the importance of effective communication in the work environment, its role in raising the level of job performance, reviewing the best practices and modern technologies in the field of institutional communication, and developing communication skills that contribute to enhancing productivity, and strengthening professional ties between colleagues, which is positively reflected in the quality of work.

وقد عبّر المشاركون عن تقديرهم لهذه المبادرة التي تسهم في خلق بيئة عمل أكثر انسجامًا وتحفيزًا، مشيدين بدور الجامعة في تنظيم مثل هذه الفعاليات التطويرية التي تعزز ثقافة الحوار والتواصل الإيجابي، مما يعزز من تحقيق مستهدفات الجامعة الاستراتيجية ورؤية المملكة 2030.

اعضاء المجلس الاستشاري للموظفين
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