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Olive Research Center


Olive Research Center at Jouf University

Olive Research Center

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, particularly the Al-Jouf region, holds a significant place as one of the most rapidly expanding areas in the world for olive cultivation over the past twenty years. The number of olive trees in the Kingdom has exceeded 22 million, with approximately 85% of these located in the Al-Jouf region. This expansion is due to the region's favorable climatic conditions, as it lies between latitudes 30 and 40, as well as the abundance of groundwater and nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. These factors have encouraged major companies and agricultural projects to expand further. Olive trees are the most abundant fruit-bearing trees in the Kingdom after palm trees. Therefore, the Olive Research Center at Jouf University has played an important and active role in conducting research and studies in collaboration with relevant entities to promote integrated efforts in this significant sector. The center has published numerous studies across various areas of interest related to olive cultivation.

Olive Research Center
Olive Research Center
  • Overview

The Olive Research Center was established by the royal directive number 35346 on 22/09/1434 AH, following the approval of the Higher Education Council in its 73rd session on 02/07/1434 AH. This decision referred to the recommendation of Jouf University's Council in its first session of the academic year 1433-1434 AH, held on 17/11/1433 AH, regarding the request to establish an Olive Research Center at the university.

  • Vission

A research environment that achieves excellence locally and regionally, which in turn enhances the global reputation of Jouf University, while also reflecting its connection to an olive-producing region as a cultural and civilizational landmark.

  • Mission 

Conducting distinguished research aligned with the strategic plan of Jouf University, focusing on olives.

  • Objectives 
  • Encouraging professors and graduate students to contribute to specialized research.
  • Providing scientific and research consultation to contributors to ensure the quality of collaborative research and alignment of goals with the strategic objectives of the center.
  • Working on the application of research outcomes.
  • Supporting specialized scientific research and innovation.
  • Establishing partnerships with similar scientific research centers and units.
  • Facilitating collaborative and joint research on olives and building national and international connections.
  • Collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture, universities, and other relevant bodies.
  • Providing consultants and experts in the field of olive trees.
Olive Research Center