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President of Jouf University, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, Oversees Operations at the Deanship of Admissions and Registration

In line with the university's commitment to providing services to its students and aiming to facilitate the admissions and registration procedures while ensuring their integrity, and to attract students with a sense of excellence, dedication, and perseverance, the President of the University, Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Shaya, along with Dr. Alaa bin Saleh Al-Arjan, Vice President for Educational Affairs, inspected the operations at the Deanship of Admissions and Registration on its first day of receiving electronic admission applications through the university admission portal. They were received by Dr. Ahmed bin Musa Al-Siyat, Dean of the Deanship of Admissions and Registration.
The university president praised the role played by the deanship in the admission and registration processes, student awareness, and providing support to the colleges. He highlighted the deanship’s technical support to the colleges through training on using the academic system, providing statistics, and developing the electronic academic system, which contributes to the overall improvement of the university's outputs.

He emphasized the importance of the deanship's role during the electronic admission application phase through the university admission portal and the significance of the support centers at the main campus and branches. These centers provide all technical consultations and guide applicants during the admission phase. He noted that the application process is often stressful for students and their parents, and everyone should support and assist them.

Dr. Ahmed bin Musa Al-Siyat, Dean of the Deanship of Admissions and Registration, expressed his happiness with the university president’s visit and praised his commitment and precise follow-up on everything that serves the students. He mentioned that the deanship had previously ensured comprehensive coverage of the admission mechanism and its procedures through media channels and all social media platforms. He also indicated that the upcoming phase would witness a new unified linking mechanism, enabling universities to fully understand the students’ status.
