Assessment of knowledge and practice of the patient's companion during accompanying the patient at Khartoum North Teaching Hospital, Sudan.
Companion is an adult person accompanying the patient during the period of his /her inpatient treatment in hospital,
Either relative or non-relative. Aim: This study performed to assess knowledge and practice of the patient companion
During accompanying patient. The study was descriptive cross-sectional hospital based. 130 companions from general medical and surgical wards were enrolled after met selection criteria from governmental teaching hospital in Khartoum city, Sudan. Data was collected using interview questionnaire and analyzed by statistical package for social science
(SPSS) presented in form of tables as frequency and percent and P. value considered 0.05. The level of knowledge about patient disease were 90.8%, most of them 77.7% knew about treatment plan, majority of them 81.5% taken decision on behalf of patient when needed, also 86.2% of them knew about any changing in medical and nursing plan and 76.9% familiar with hospital rules and regulations. Conclusion: The study concluded that the companion has extensive knowledge regarding patient during accompanying them.