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Units of the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qurayyat

Units of the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qurayyat

1.    Follow up on student schedules in coordination with the Deanship of Admission and Registration.
2.    Coordinate with the Examinations Unit to ensure that all courses are offered before sending the schedules to the Deanship of Admission and Registration.
3.    Coordinate with the College's Curriculum and Planning Committee to consider requests to equivalence some courses for transferred students.
4.    Supervise the deletion and addition of courses in the college's departments.
5.    Study cases of re-enrollment and transfer within the Student Excuses Committee and recommend them to the relevant departments.
6.    Cooperate with the Deanship of Admission and Registration to list all remaining courses for students expected to graduate.
7.    Coordinate with the Examinations Unit to prepare the college's exam schedules.
8.    Coordinate with the Academic and Student Guidance Unit to follow up on student problems and ensure that new students are distributed to academic advisors.

1- Determine the tasks and mechanisms of the Academic Guidance Unit at the college and document them.

2- Participate effectively in receiving new college students at the beginning of the study.

3- Distribute students to academic advisors at the college.

4- Provide guidance tools from their sources at the university and deliver them to academic advisors.

5- Hold workshops on the role of academic guidance and its importance in university life.

6- Cooperate with the Student Problems Committee to review student re-enrollment cases.

7- List academically struggling students and submit their names to the Academic and Student Guidance Center at the university.

8- List academically outstanding students at the end of each semester and honor them.

1- Spreading the culture of quality and academic accreditation among faculty members, students and all employees of the college.
2- Working on establishing an integrated quality system in the college.
3- Completing the requirements for internal and external program accreditation in coordination with the internal committees of the college departments and submitting periodic reports.
4- Implementing and completing the college requirements regarding the institutional accreditation of the university.
5- Participating in preparing the college's annual reports and describing administrative jobs.
6- Providing support and recommendations related to quality to the college departments to ensure the quality of programs and develop the performance of the educational and research process and serve the community.

1- Identifying the available health facilities for training and ensuring their readiness to train students as well as following up on the training process.
2- Creating a training file for each student expected to graduate at the end of the semester.
3- Determining the desires of students expected to graduate at the end of the semester to perform the internship period as well as the training evaluation for each semester.
4- Collecting and examining the evaluation files for each student.
5- Issuing a certificate of completion of the internship period and delivering the documents for each student who has passed the graduation requirements (graduate).
6- Creating a database of college graduates as well as a database of beneficiaries (employers).
7- Following up on graduates and increasing the connection and communication with them and involving them in the process of developing programs and curricula.
8- Emphasizing the principle of community participation between health facilities and communities interested in education.

1-    Establish postgraduate programs in coordination with the college's academic departments

2-    Communicate with the university's agency for postgraduate studies and scientific research to follow up and implement the university's policy for postgraduate studies and scientific research

3-    Propose plans for postgraduate programs in coordination with program heads.

4-    Study all topics referred by the university's agency for postgraduate studies and scientific research and submit proposals and recommendations to raise the level of performance of postgraduate programs in the college and implement the university's policy for scientific research.

5-    Prepare the annual report for postgraduate studies and scientific research in the college.

6-    Follow up on the affairs of the college's scholarship students and submit the necessary reports in this regard.

7-    Prepare the college's research plans and priorities in coordination with the academic departments

1- Coordination with the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education regarding e-learning projects in the college.

2- Holding seminars and lectures to contribute to spreading the culture of e-learning, and planning and implementing programs to raise awareness among college members of the importance of maintaining the e-learning system.

3- Continuous evaluation of the reality of e-learning in the college, and participation in setting standards for evaluating the quality of e-courses in the college and following up on their implementation.

4- Carrying out coordination and follow-up tasks to train new faculty members and students in the college on e-learning applications and overcoming obstacles facing them in coordination with the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education.

1- Preparing databases for devices and chemicals in the various departments of the college, and printing catalogs to facilitate the search process and determine responsibility.
2- Follow up on chemicals and devices in the college, reduce waste, control the disbursement process, and follow up on the deficit in consumables.
3- Studying price offers for insurance from companies to supply the needs of the laboratories of the nursing departments, sciences, clinical laboratories, and physical therapy for both male and female students in the college, and following up on their supply by companies.
4- Carrying out the process of inventorying the devices that need to be periodically maintained or repaired.
5- Identifying supervisors and technicians for all laboratories and distributing tasks and responsibilities to them.

1. Coordinating with the academic departments regarding the preparation of the college's examination schedules.

2. Determining the time frame for the examinations and implementing everything related to them during their period.

3. Full supervision and maintaining the progress of the final examinations at their times specified in the announced schedules.

4. Announcing the examination instructions and procedures to the students on the display screens and also informing them of the penalty for attempting to cheat.

5. Studying referral requests and guidance from the Dean of the College regarding disciplinary matters related to male and female students.
