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Tafsir and Quranic Studies program


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    Program Name: Interpretation and Quranic Sciences Qualification Level: Master's Scientific Department: Islamic Studies College: Sharia and Law Institution: Al-Jouf University Study System: Courses and Scientific Thesis Total Credit Hours: (39) Summary of Program Description: 1- Program Mission Consolidating the Islamic identity, spreading the moderate approach, and preparing graduates capable of serving the labor market, according to high-quality academic programs that take into account quality standards and academic accreditation. 2- Program Objectives The program aims to: - Contribute to enriching human knowledge by providing a distinguished scientific addition in the field of interpretation and Quranic sciences. - Educate graduate students with the broad Quranic culture that enables them to defend Islam and respond to doubts about it. - Encouraging scientific competencies to keep pace with scientific progress, and pushing them to innovate and develop scientific research.

    Program levels

    Level One
    IC 601 - Analytical exegesis - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    • A brief about interpretation and exegesis and a statement of the difference between them, and the sources of each. A study of the interpretation of Surat An-Nisa and Surat Al-An'am, and the study includes: (Stating the relevance of the Surah to what precedes it, as well as the general topics that each Surah addressed, stating the relevance of the verse and its connection, which helps in understanding the purposes that it addressed, explaining the strange in a way that is consistent with the context of the text, paying attention to the reasons for revelation, paying attention to the hadiths and the reported traces and distinguishing between the acceptable and the rejected ones, especially what is reported from the Israelite stories and reconciling what suggests a contradiction from them, presenting opinions and comparing them and giving preference to what is supported by evidence, choosing from the interpretation of the two Surahs different topics that serve the two approaches and highlight their features and provide the student with the opportunity to follow and research, and diversify knowledge for what he achieves from studying this course.
    IC 600 - Research methods and Transcript Analysis - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    The course includes: Theoretical and applied study, while the theory is divided into two parts: The first part: Research methods, including: The concept of scientific research, its objectives and characteristics, its value, the importance of supervision, types of university research, research and debate, scientific research methods (descriptive and historical, experimental, literary) • Scientific research steps: choosing the topic, its importance and controls, preparing the research, the motive for choosing, matters that must be taken into account and common matters, the plan and previous studies, and a list of primary sources. • Collecting information and recording scientific material, research tools, its problem and hypotheses, writing the research, its introduction and conclusion, indexes, reviewing the research, organizing the list of sources, the research in its final form, printing and its controls, discussion and evaluation criteria, methods of collecting, analyzing and recording data (observation, interview and questionnaire) The second part: Verifying texts, which includes: • Defining verification, the conditions of the investigator and the methods of investigators, defining heritage, its value and the interest of scholars in it. • Steps for verifying and serving the manuscript. • Rules of investigation: Selecting the manuscript and its conditions. Collecting, arranging, examining and comparing copies, its methods, focusing on the author’s copy, adopting the most correct in the event of multiple copies, the size of the book.
    Level Two
    IC 603 - Science of Quran Recitations - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    General description of the course: • Introduction to the science of readings (its definition, source, importance, benefits, the difference between it and the Qur’an) • The seven letters and their relationship to readings (its hadiths and the preferred opinion about it, wisdom, and its relationship to readings) • Stages of the emergence of the science of readings, types of readings and reasons for their differences and benefits and definition of its terminology. • Methods of receiving readings and authorization in it, the most prominent doubts raised about readings and responding to them. • The impact of the science of readings on other sciences (interpretation, jurisprudence, grammar, stopping and starting, Qur’anic script, belief) • The ten readers and their narrators, the origins of their readings, and the books on their readings, definition of the imams of the ten readings. • The origins of the ten minor readings, definition of the most famous books on the science of readings. • The science of guiding readings (definition, importance, benefits, origin and development, most important works, forms of protest) A (selected) applied study of guiding readings, in terms of meaning, grammar and language from “the supporting books in the curriculum, and the suggested ones”
    IC 602 - Methods of Commentators - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    Introduction to the methods of interpreters, and the benefits of studying them, interpretation in the era of the Prophet - may God bless him and interpret him - and his companions, then the course professor takes two books from each school of interpretation books to apply them: Tafsir Mujahid, Ahkam Al-Quran by Al-Shafi’i, Tafsir Abd Al-Razzaq Al-San’ani, Jami’ Al-Bayan by Al-Tabari, Al-Kashf and Al-Bayan by Al-Tha’labi, Haqa’iq Al-Tafsir by Al-Salami, Ahkam Al-Quran by Al-Jassas, Ahkam Al-Quran by Ibn Al-Arabi, Al-Kashaf by Al-Zamakhshari, Zad Al-Masir by Ibn Al-Jawzi, Al-Nukat and Al-Uyun by Al-Mawardi, Al-Jami’ li Ahkam Al-Quran by Al-Qurtubi, Al-Bahr Al-Muhit by Abu Hayyan, Gharayeb Al-Quran and Ragha’eb Al-Furqan by Al-Naysaburi, Mafatih Al-Ghayb by Al-Razi, Al-Durr Al-Manthur by Al-Suyuti, Irshad Al-Aql Al-Sa’id ila Mazayat Al-Quran Al-Karim by Abu Al-Su’ud, Ruh Al-Ma’ani by Al-Alusi, Tafsir Al-Manar, Al-Tahrir and Al-Tanwir by Al-Tahir Ibn Ashur, Tafsir Al-Sa’di, Adwaa Al-Bayan by Al-Shanqiti. The course includes two axes: the first is the general axis, in which a general idea is given about the interpreter’s approach related to explaining the environment, time and place in which he wrote the interpretation, explaining the interpreter’s scientific status, a brief about his scientific biography, the factors that contributed to his scientific formation, and explaining the scientific value of the interpretation. The second is the special axis, in which the foundations on which the interpreter’s approach was based in his interpretation are explained, which are: the first foundation: the Sunnah in his interpretation and his position on it, the second foundation: what came in the interpretation from the sayings of the Companions and Followers and how he dealt with them, the third: readings in interpretation and his guidance to them, the fourth: Israelite stories and how he dealt with them, the fifth: his position on the miracle of the Qur’an. The sixth basis: Poetry and benefiting from it, the seventh: Language and grammar in interpretation, and how to present and deal with it, the eighth: His method of interpretation by tradition, the ninth: His method of interpretation by reason, the tenth: Eloquence in interpretation, and how to present and deal with it, the eleventh basis: His method of reasoning and deduction, the twelfth: His position on those who disagreed with him, the thirteenth: His method of presenting the legal rulings, the fourteenth basis: Allusive interpretation - if it exists - and explaining his position on it, the fifteenth: His method of dealing with the statements of the interpreters, the sixteenth: His method of presenting his doctrine of belief, and responding to those who disagreed with him, the seventeenth basis: His method of presenting the issues of interpretation (creative - imitator), the eighteenth: The sources that the interpreter relied on in his interpretation.
    Level Three
    IC 623 - Fundamentals of Hadith Reference - optional 1
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    The course includes the graduation and the study of chains of transmission on a number of topics. It addresses the graduation and the linguistic meaning of it, as well as the terminology, and includes the five famous and well-known methods of graduation from the theoretical side, as well as matters related to the narrator, his biography, and his appointment. There are other aspects that the course addresses, which are knowledge of the methods of the authors in graduation and their methods found in their books. These books have been classified according to sciences such as interpretation, hadith, belief, jurisprudence, and its principles, and finally the practical side on working through some books of hadith and what is related to them from the defective hadiths, and the approach of the imams in that such as al-Tirmidhi and al-Bazzar.
    IC 622 - Narrators Methods of Hadith Classification - optional 1
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    The course includes an introduction to the methods of the hadith scholars, their importance and subject matter, an introduction to the methods of the compilers according to the method of the Musnads, the chapters, and the Muwatta’, and an explanation of the method of classification in the Sahih and other books, and the dictionaries, and that is by explaining the number of hadiths in each book, its order and features, the degree of its hadiths, its position among the books of the Sunnah, the efforts of the scholars in serving it and explaining it, the conditions of the author in it, the criticisms directed at it and other matters related to the book, and an explanation of the difference between the methods of the imams of hadith and the method of contemporary authors.
    IC 604 - Science of Quran - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    The course begins with a methodological introduction to the history of Quranic sciences and the beginnings of terminology as a science added to the Quran, in an attempt to identify the types of composition in Quranic sciences before the science was established during the era of Imam al-Suyuti (911 AH), then explaining the history of al-Suyuti's writing of his book "Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Quran" with knowledge of his additions to the works that preceded it. Then the course topics are presented arranged in the order of the books of the course "Al-Itqan" so that the student can reach a comprehensive and methodical concept of al-Suyuti's classification and arrangement, then the first topic that appears in the study is "Knowledge of the compilation and arrangement of the Quran" and what it contains of disciplined stages and the problems that al-Suyuti raised and answered. Then the student studies the knowledge of stopping and starting and their issues and the terminology of scholars, interpreters and reciters in that and their examples. Then knowledge of the strange words in the Quran: its definition, compositions and issues - what was written in a language other than the Arabic language - what was written in a language other than the Hijazi language. Then knowledge of the aspects and counterparts. Definition - Books about it - The benefit of knowing it in interpretation and the meanings of its words. - Method of writing about it. In important rules that the interpreter needs to know: The rule of pronouns, the rule of masculine and feminine, the rule of definiteness and indefiniteness, the rule of singular and plural, the importance of these rules in understanding the styles of the Holy Quran. The problem of the Quran and the illusion of difference and contradiction: Definition of the problem and clarification of the scholars' doctrine on the difference between the problem and the illusion of contradiction and the comments on that - Study of models. The occasions of verses and surahs: Definition of the occasion and the composition in it, and clarification of the reason for its rare occurrence in interpretations. And the origin of the difference in its ruling as well as the types of connection between verses with each other, the connection of word and meaning, the occasion of the openings of surahs and their endings, the occasion of the opening of the surah with the ending of what precedes it, the effect of occasions in the preference between interpretative statements.
    Level Four
    IC 606 - Thematic Exegesis - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    • General introductions to thematic interpretation and its development, its origin, its emergence and reasons, its importance and need for it, with an explanation of the term thematic interpretation, and the extent of the convergence of scholars' opinions on it. • Explaining its concept between the past and the present. • Explaining the types of thematic interpretation, its benefits, and comparing it with other types of interpretation. • Applied study: Thematic unity and thematic interpretation: A study of the detailed steps in the method of thematic interpretation. A study of five topics, and four surahs between Meccan and Medinan.
    IC 605 - Explanation of the Ruling Verses - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    • The course deals with the interpretation and study of a number of verses of rulings related to the following topics: • * Verses of divorce and the rulings of Zihar * Verses prohibiting usury, and the verse of debt • * Permissibility of trade and the prohibition of eating people's money unjustly. * Verses of oaths and vows. • * Verses of the Ten Commandments in Surat Al-An'am * Verses of Jihad and the rulings on prisoners • * Verses of clothing and adornment * Verses of food and drink and the rulings on hunting * Verses of ablution and dry ablution
    Level Five
    ICT 609 - Miracles and Rhetoric of Quran - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    * This course includes an introduction, which includes: (Definition of the miracle, its conditions, the difference between it and the miracle and magic, types of miracles and comparison between the miracles of the prophets, peace be upon them, and the miracle of our master Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and a statement that the Qur’an is the eternal miracle of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace -, definition of the term miracle, and a statement of its origin, and mentioning the stages of the challenge, with the Qur’an and its study) * Aspects of the miracle: (Rhetorical miracle: importance, the Qur’anic word, its characteristics, the values ​​it performs, the differences between them, the claim of synonymy and words that are thought to be synonymous, the use of different words in similar places) * Rhetorical miracle: (The message of the letter in the Book of God (the use of different letters in similar places, deleting the letter and mentioning it), (The Qur’anic sentence: emphasis, deletion and mention, advancement and delay, the Qur’anic comma, the issue of repetition, the saying of increase) * Scientific miracle: (The concept, the sayings of scholars in the past and present between supporters and opponents with preference, the controls of the scientific miracle, models For scientific miracles) * Legislative miracle: (concept, types of legislation and its characteristics, fair comparisons between Quranic legislation and human legislation) * Miracle in news of the unseen: (news about past nations and the unseen of the future) * Psychological and spiritual miracle and what is called numerical miracle. * Trends of interpretation related to miracles: rhetorical trend - scientific trend - linguistic trend (definition of each of them - its most prominent scholars and books, and their approaches in those books) * Quranic eloquence and its meaning - the impact of the Quran on the souls of Arabs - the historical aspect, the stylistic aspect and the applied aspect, in addition to the Quranic story and the Quranic miracle and the opinions of scholars about it and the superiority of the Holy Quran to the Arabic language.
    ICT 608 - Rules and Resources of Tafsir - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    • Definition of the rules of interpretation, their history, and their works. And the branches therein into: interpretation and the interpreter.. interpretation and exegesis.. interpretation and deduction.. the relationship between interpretation and the sciences of the Qur’an. The difference between the rules of interpretation and the sciences of the Qur’an. Then the definition of the basic sources of interpretation. And their characteristics. It presents to the student the interpretation by the transmitted: • Its merit, types, and ruling, the most famous works. • Interpretation by opinion and ijtihad: its divisions and ruling, the most famous works in it, a statement of the introductions to the works of interpretations, and books of the sciences of the Qur’an. • The qualities of the interpreter and his manners, and the sciences necessary for him, and accompanying them with the methods of interpretation, and knowing the aspects of the interpretation of the Prophet and their interpretation: interpretation by conformity, interpretation by necessity, interpretation by part of the meaning, interpretation by example, interpretation by analogy and consideration, interpretation by allusion. • Definition of the differences of interpreters: its types, its reasons. • The rules of interpretation and preference: their importance, the most famous works in it, mentioning examples of them.
    ICT 607 - Invalid reports and opinions cited in Qur?anic exegeses - mandatory
    Total Content
    Course Description:
    • A methodological and fundamental introduction to the foreign in interpretation in terms of the technical definition and knowledge of the terms related to it such as the original, as well as research into the history of the foreign, the origin of its existence, its causes and its works. Then explaining the types of foreign in terms of the method and subject: • First: Foreign in the transmitted: The most prominent places of foreign in interpretations such as the Israelite narratives and the ruling on engaging in them and the controls for adopting them and the schools of scholars, and the most famous narrators of the Israelite narratives from the Companions and Followers with applied models. • Second: The deviant trends in the history of interpretation and works, and distinguishing the foreign in interpretation by opinion and corrupt schools of thought and their applications from their works.
    Level Six
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