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Laboratory techniques in oral& maxillofacial pathology-College of Dentistry
Laboratory techniques in oral& maxillofacial pathology
DENT 227
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optional 1
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Course Description
Course Description: This elective course will focus on basic laboratory techniques as well as advanced techniques in the field of oral and maxillofacial pathology. Certain techniques such as laser therapy and radiation implantation using radioactive elements will encourage dental students, oral surgeons, and pathologists to conduct research on humans, as well as experimental models in animals. The course will also incorporate the use of computer programs to analyze microscopic results in diagnosis and research. Additionally, it will highlight methods of protection against infection, and the physical, chemical, and biological hazards of radiation in dental clinics and laboratories. **Course Outcomes:** By the end of this course, students should be able to: 1. Navigate laboratory facilities, including biological equipment and tools such as microtomes, histochemical processors, regular and diamond knives, fixatives, chemicals, paraffin wax, normal and special stains, glass slides, microscopes, incubators, ovens, etc. 2. Understand the biological changes at the cellular and tissue levels from the moment a surgical biopsy/smear is taken from the patient. 3. Maintain oral cellular biopsy/smears, especially in terms of chemical preservation. 4. Identify tissues, including preparing embedded samples in paraffin, sectioning, staining, and performing microscopic examinations. 5. Be familiar with the following techniques: - Traditional tissue preparation for soft tissues, teeth, and bone smears for light microscopic examination. - Chemical tissue preparation for soft tissues and bone smears, including cryostat sections and paraffin embedding. - Immunohistochemical tissue preparation using specific markers (tumor markers) for both electron microscopy (transmission and scanning) and light microscopy. - Preparation of tissue cultures for soft tissues, bones, and smears for light or electron microscopic examination. 6. Use radiation techniques with radioactive elements to study and monitor isotopes in soft and hard tissues for diagnostic and research purposes. 7. Prepare soft/hard tissues for laser application and implantation in the field of dentistry. 8. Create a pathological report. 9. Link clinical and microscopic information to make an accurate diagnosis. 10. Understand how to interpret radiographic images, particularly in complex oral diseases. 11. Discuss the clinical/pathological relationship in oral disease cases. 12. Handle oral diseases with great care to avoid infection and contamination from hazardous materials in clinics. 13. Pay close attention and take proper precautions when preparing biopsy laboratories for patients with high-risk (viral) diseases and radioactive contamination. Teaching Methods 1. Lectures 2. Practical sessions **Student Evaluation:** 1. Continuous assessment 2. Final exam References: 1. *Oral Pathology: Clinical/Pathologic Correlation* by Regezi and Sciubba, 2007 2. Bancroft J, Gamble M. *Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques (Immunocytochemistry)*, 2002.