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Geghan Refat Hefnawy

Assistant Professor

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Nursing - College of Nursing
College of Nursing
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Last Researches

Effect of Taking COVID 19 Vaccine On Nurses’ Fear from Infection and Their Adherence to Preventive Measures
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Effects of Nursing Guidance About Venipuncture Versus Ordinary Syringe, A Comparative Study On Rates of Phlebotomy Hematoma
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Nurses' perception regarding nursing practice environment and its effects on intention to quit
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy

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Effect of Taking COVID 19 Vaccine On Nurses’ Fear from Infection and Their Adherence to Preventive Measures
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Effects of Nursing Guidance About Venipuncture Versus Ordinary Syringe, A Comparative Study On Rates of Phlebotomy Hematoma
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Nurses' perception regarding nursing practice environment and its effects on intention to quit
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Impact of Health Educational program about vitamin D on knowledge and perception of students in Jouf University
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Evaluating of the Egyptian Knowledge, Awareness and Applications of Infection Control Strategies toward Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Evaluating the quality of nursing handover process and its Obstacles
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Impact of End-Stage Renal Disease and Hemodialysis in Physical and Psychosocial Status of Elderly Patients
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Assessment of risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus in Jouf, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy
Prevalence of Pressure Ulcers with the Study of the Impact of Pressure Ulcer Educational Program on Registered Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice in Prince Miteb Bin Abdulaziz Hospital, Sakaka City, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Gehan Refat Mohamed Hefnawy


Assistant Professor
College of Nursing, Jouf University - Saudi Arabia
2012 - 2024

Teaching female students of the College of Nursing various theoretical and practical courses, carrying out student activities, supervising the students’ graduation research, publishing many scientific research in classified journals, chairing many committees in the college, and participating in quality work until the College of Nursing obtains institutional and programmatic accreditation.

Assistant lecturer
Faculty of Nursing, Minya University, Egypt
2003 - 2008

Teaching students in Faculty of Nursing different theoretical and practical courses, carry out student activities, complete my studies, and obtain a doctorate degree in geriatric nursing.

,Faculty of Nursing, Minya University, Egypt
1994 - 2000

Teaching female students of the Faculty of Nursing various theoretical and practical courses, carrying out student activities, and studying the first part of the master’s degree

Teaching assistant
Faculty of Nursing, Minya University, Egypt
2000 - 2002

Teaching female students of the College of Nursing various theoretical and practical courses, carrying out student activities, and completing the master’s study - the dissertation and the second part of the exams.


Assiut University - Faculy of Nursing
2009 - 2004

Studying a doctorate at the Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, discussing the doctoral thesis, then studying for a theoretical part, then an exam, and then obtaining a doctorate degree in nursing for the elderly.

Assiut University- Egypt - Faculty of Nursing
1995 - 1991

A nursing student at the college of Nursing for 4 years and one year of internship training, after which she obtained a bachelor’s degree in nursing

Assiut University- Egypt - Faculty of Nursing
2003 - 1999

Studying for a master’s degree at the Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, requires studying for a theoretical part, then an exam, followed by defending a master’s thesis, then studying the second theoretical part, then an exam, and then obtaining a master’s degree in nursing.


Doctorate degree in geriatric nursing
2004 - 2009
Bachelor's degree in nursing
1991 - 1995
Master's degree in Medical Surgical Nursing - Geriatric Nursing-
1999 - 2003


Prevalence of Pressure Ulcers with the Study of the Impact of Pressure Ulcer Educational Program on Registered Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice in Prince Miteb Bin Abdulaziz Hospital, Sakaka City, Saudi Arabia
2017 - 2017

Most pressure ulcers can be prevented. Bedsores are easier to prevent than to treat. By following some simple
steps that are based on best practice, the health professional can team up with the patient and other caregivers to
create an environment where pressure ulcers are reduced or eliminated. What's needed is awareness on the part
of patients and health-care professionals about how pressure ulcers can be prevented and a commitment to the
actions required to do so. Position changes are a key to pressure ulcer prevention. These changes need to be
