Nurses' perception regarding nursing practice environment and its effects on intention to quit
The nursing practice environment is a predominant factor that affects nurses’ decisions to quit or stay. Aim: to assess the
nurses' perception regarding the nursing practice environment and its effect on the intention to quit. Methods: It's a
descriptive correlational study design. The samples of the present study include [360] nurses from selected hospitals.
Three tools were used; namely, 1) A demographic sheet 2) A practice Environment Scale, and 3) An intention to quit
questionnaire. Results: The majority of the nurses perceptions are mixed concerning the practice environment (78.9%).
the highest percentage of nurses' perceive a better practice environment in El Rajehy hospital (46.7%), while, the lowest
percentage of them is in the main hospital (2.2%). About (67.5%) of the nurses had the intention to quit. Conclusion:
There was a negative correlation between the intention to quit and the total practice environment with highly statistically
significant differences (P. value <0.01).