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College Units College of Medicine

College Units

1- Spreading the culture of quality in the educational process and establishing an integrated system that ensures continuous development and excellence in university performance.
2- Establishing an information base and integrated files for the college's quality unit and the courses offered therein.
3- Continuous self-evaluation of the college's activities, categories, and the performance of the college's quality unit using objective mechanisms such as opinion poll forms and annual reports of the college's departments and administrations.
4- Identifying strengths and weaknesses in all college activities, academic programs, and quality process activity in the college.
5- Designing and implementing the appropriate model for performance evaluation so that all elements of the university system are integrated and consistent with national and international standards.
6- Building trained and effective academic cadres in the field of performance evaluation, quality assurance, and accreditation.
7- Supervising the development and implementation of executive and time plans to obtain national and international accreditations.

1- Strengthening the relationship between the college and various sectors of society, by providing appropriate scientific conditions.
2- Meeting the medical and health needs of the community through the programs offered by the college without restrictions on age or professional experience.
3- Cooperating with organizations that have relations with the university in disseminating training through programs that are carried out in cooperation with the college and various government sectors.
4- Preparing qualified and trained national cadres
5- Contributing to establishing cultural awareness among all sectors of society in order to meet their needs.
6- Providing professional and scientific assistance to people in need.
7- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the college's quality unit.

1- Providing services to students such as registration and providing information about the student's academic status and helping students overcome the circumstances they face.
2- Assisting students expected to graduate and providing them with assistance and help them complete the procedures with ease and simplicity.
3- Discussing students' results in the courses and developing improvement plans in cooperation with course supervisors.
4- Working to provide the necessary educational resources and develop them in cooperation with the relevant committees.
5- Expressing an opinion on accepting and transferring students, transferring and stopping registration and accepting excuses.
6- Following up on students' cultural, sports and social activities and submitting suggestions to raise their level.
7- Creating a database for students and faculty members that includes all their data.
8- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.

1- Developing and applying medical information through clinical training.
2- Training the intern on independence in work and the ability to make decisions and deal with professional competence.
3- Training the intern on harmony in the work system within the medical team and knowing the limits of his capabilities.
4- Training the student to apply the ethics of the Muslim doctor in all his work and adhere to that.
5- Preparing an executive guide for student training in the college, including regulations for summer student training (optional) and evaluation mechanisms and related models.
6- Preparing opinion poll reports from supervisors and students.
7- Recommending to the relevant councils to conclude agreements for student training with training agencies, so that these agreements are based on mutual benefit.
8- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.

1- Implementing and following up on the college's policy for postgraduate studies and scholarships.
2- Supervising the development and review of admission requirements for postgraduate studies.
3- Supervising the postgraduate studies processes in the college, its tests and committees.
4- Supervising the follow-up of the conditions of the college's scholarship students abroad.
5- Supervising the activities of the orientation program for postgraduate students and following up on its implementation.
6- Receiving the files of postgraduate students applying to the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and distributing them to the various departments.
7- Receiving the decisions of the departments regarding the requests of postgraduate students and sending them to the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies after their approval by the College Council.
8- Supervising requests for postponement and apology for not studying, deletion and addition processes and deprivation lists in accordance with the regulations and decisions issued in this regard.
9- Supervising the accreditation of master's programs by the National Center for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation.
10- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements for postgraduate programs in cooperation with the Quality Unit at the college.

1 - Develop a strategic plan to develop the graduates follow-up unit program and define and develop the unit's mission and vision.
2 - Identify the training needs of graduates to keep pace with the development of the labor market.
3 - Communicate with graduates through various means of communication, which enhances the student's relationship with the college.
4- Create a website to facilitate communication with graduates and cooperate with them.
5- Honor some distinguished graduates and prepare statistics on health specialties for graduates.
6- Respond to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the college's Quality Unit.

1 - Develop and implement the operational plan for the Occupational Risk and Safety Unit at the college.
2 - Develop and implement regulations and procedures for occupational safety and health.
3- Maintain permanent records of risks, crises and disasters resulting from work in order to form a memory that is easy to refer to and update emergency and risk plans.
4 - Monitor occupational safety work at the college and submit periodic reports on them.
5- Submitting the necessary proposals to develop the work through training, planning, preparing and implementing awareness lectures on risks, safety and occupational health. 

6- Planning the financial and administrative affairs of the Occupational Risk and Safety Unit, taking appropriate measures and monitoring the completion of work with high efficiency.

1- Raising the level of quality of the traditional educational process by providing educational means that rely on the use of e-learning technologies and the transition to the electronic approach.
2- Working to provide diverse and multiple educational resources that help reduce individual differences among learners.
3- Developing the reality of e-learning systems in the college and the extent of its impact on the educational environment.
4- Helping faculty members to activate education by providing scientific content using methods that rely on modern information and communication technology.
5- Working to achieve a production line for electronic content in the college to develop high-quality electronic courses and publish and promote them.
6- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the Quality Unit in the college.

1- Determining the tasks and mechanisms of the Academic Guidance Unit in the college and documenting them.
2- Preparing students to learn about and adapt to university life, and providing them with correct information about the college, educational policies, resources and study programs.
3- Enhancing students' academic achievement, raising their capabilities and overcoming the obstacles they face during their academic achievement.
4- Distributing new students to academic supervisors.
5- Holding workshops on the role of academic guidance and its importance in university life.
6- Considering students' academic problems raised by advisors and seeking to solve them with the college administration.
7- Contributing to solving students' psychological, financial and social problems and raising them when necessary to the Deanship of Student Affairs to take the necessary action.
8- Responding to all program and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.

1- Cooperating with academic program coordinators in implementing the decisions of the scientific department councils related to controlling and ensuring the quality of exams.
2- Ensuring that exam questions are linked to the course learning outcomes linked to the program learning outcomes.
3- Daily follow-up of the progress of final exams during the exam period and preparing a daily report on them.
4- Preparing a report on the results of the final exams and submitting it to the College Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.
5- Training faculty members and their assistants in the college in the field of evaluation and examinations by preparing training programs.
6- Review and prepare annual reports on the evaluation of examination work in general and student results in particular, and prepare an executive plan for corrective actions for weaknesses and ensure strengthening strengths.
7- Respond to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the college's Quality Unit.

1- Inventory of clinical skills laboratories and their contents.
2- Verify the readiness of all available equipment in clinical skills laboratories.
3- Maintain the contents of clinical skills laboratories and ensure their cleanliness and freedom from dust periodically.
4- Teach the student scientific/applied clinical skills as if he is dealing with a real medical case since the first year.
5- Improve and develop the educational process by providing the latest medical devices, equipment and computer programs.
6- Prepare weekly schedules for training male and female students and coordinating tests.
7- Respond to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the college's Quality Unit.
