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Student Behavior and Discipline Rules

Chapter One
Article 1: Definitions

  • University: Jouf University.
  • University Students: Any male or female student enrolled in the university or a trainee at any educational level across all academic degrees.
  • Violation: Any act, omission, or statement that violates the university's regulations, rules, or decisions in force, contravenes public morals, or harms the university or its reputation.
  • Penalty: Any penalty stipulated in these rules.
  • Examination: Any task required from the student to assess their performance, skill, or competence, including tests and evaluations specified in the regulations, study plans, or teaching guidelines.
  • Permanent Behavioral Discipline Committee: The permanent committee established by a decision from the University President.
  • Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee: The committee established by a decision from the Dean of the College.

Article 2
The provisions of these rules apply to every student enrolled in the university for education or training, including visiting students, in accordance with the university's approved regulations and decisions.

Article 3
The objectives of these rules are as follows:

  1. Ensure the quality of the educational process and its supporting activities at the university.
  2. Regulate student behavior to enable them to become active members.
  3. Reform the behavior of students who commit violations by imposing penalties that correspond to the severity of their violations, aiming to address their behaviors educationally and academically.

Article 4
A student cannot claim ignorance or lack of knowledge of the university's regulations, bylaws, and effective decisions, as well as the instructions it issues, to avoid the penalties prescribed in these rules. The university must publish and announce these rules on its official website.             

Chapter Two: Violations

 Article 5
Any action by a student that violates public morals, public order, or the university’s regulations, bylaws, instructions, and decisions constitutes a violation subject to the penalties outlined in these rules. Violations include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Disrupting studies or inciting others to do so, or encouraging others to refrain from attending lectures or other academic activities required by the regulations.
  2. Disturbing order, discipline, or the proper flow of studies at the university or any of its facilities, breaching rules during lectures, exams, seminars, or activities held inside or outside the university, creating disorder in university housing, transportation, or other facilities.
  3. Any form of cheating in exams by any means, attempting to cheat, aiding cheating, obtaining exam questions illegally before the exam, or cheating in reports, research, practical and field training, graduation projects, or master’s and doctoral theses.
  4. Having someone else take an exam on behalf of the student or taking an exam on behalf of another.
  5. Impersonating another person in any matter related to the university, providing university documents or IDs to others for illegal use, or speaking on behalf of the university without official authorization.
  6. Any speech or act by the student that violates religious beliefs, honor, or dignity, breaches good conduct, contravenes proper moral behavior expected of a student, or harms the university's reputation.
  7. Verbal or physical assault against any university staff member, company workers operating within the university, or university employees.
  8. Unauthorized access to, disclosure, or sharing of confidential information about any university staff member.
  9. Conducting activities or events within the university or participating in them, issuing or distributing publications, flyers, or posters, collecting donations or signatures without prior written approval.
  10. Insulting the state’s systems and institutions, or national entities through words or actions, offending Islamic or social principles, promoting affiliation with organizations hostile to the nation or political or regional ideas opposing state regulations, or advocating for them within the university.
  11. Forging official documents, certificates, or university-issued materials or using them after falsification, whether issued by the university or external entities, as long as they relate to the student’s affiliation or study procedures, intentionally destroying part or all of their contents, or acquiring them through illegitimate means.
  12. Misusing, damaging, or attempting to damage university facilities or property, modifying or relocating them without approval from the concerned authorities, engaging in behavior that affects campus cleanliness, or harming the university’s reputation or defaming it without following proper procedures.
  13. Carrying firearms, even if licensed, or bladed weapons, keeping flammable or explosive materials, or introducing items that could be used for illegal purposes within the university premises, or threatening to use any of the aforementioned.
  14. Using modern technology to harm the university or any of its staff.
  15. Possessing devices, films, pictures, tapes, newspapers, magazines, or similar materials that contravene morals and ethics within the university or its facilities.
  16. Failing to adhere to public decency in dress, appearance, or behavior inconsistent with Islamic values, Saudi traditions, and the university's instructions in this regard.
  17. Refusing to provide identification documents when requested by the relevant authorities.
  18. Behaving improperly during investigations, violating order, or failing to show respect and ethics in addressing members of the Behavioral Discipline Committees.
  19. Smoking within university buildings and facilities or compromising campus cleanliness.
  20. Organizing or participating in meetings, conferences, associations, or marches in any form; issuing or distributing publications, newspapers, or magazines; engaging in buying or selling activities; collecting funds or donations; or gathering signatures individually or collectively without written authorization from the relevant university authority. Additionally, disseminating news about the university or its staff through various media platforms (audio, print, visual, or social media) or creating websites related to the university without prior written approval from the concerned department.

Chapter Three: Penalties

 Article 6

  1. Issuing a written warning along with a signed commitment from the violating student.
  2. Assigning the student to perform certain service or social work or attend training courses inside or outside the university for a period not exceeding one month.
  3. Temporary suspension (for one, two, or three academic terms) from engaging in one or more student activities during which the violation occurred.
  4. Deprivation of certain university privileges.
  5. Adjusting the student's grade in one or more courses, not exceeding three courses.
  6. Considering the student as failing in one or more courses, not exceeding three courses.
  7. Canceling the student's examination in all courses for that semester, resulting in a failing grade in those courses.
  8. Canceling the student's enrollment in one or more courses, not exceeding three courses.
  9. Temporarily suspending the student from the university for a period not exceeding three academic terms, during which the student cannot count credits for courses taken at other universities.
  10. Withholding graduation documents, academic certificates, or non-academic documents related to cases of forgery, fraud, or cheating.
  11. Permanent expulsion from the university.
  12. Addressing such violations does not exempt the student from being subject to investigation or penalties by relevant security and legal authorities outside the university.

Article 7
No penalty listed in Article 6 of these rules shall be imposed for violations that occurred more than two years prior without any investigation being initiated. If a student postpones or withdraws from a semester before a penalty is imposed, the committee has the right to apply the penalty in a subsequent semester.

Article 8
A student found guilty of committing the violation described in Clause (12) of Article 5 shall bear the cost of the damage caused, including the cost of repair or replacement, along with any resulting consequences. This is in addition to the penalties imposed by the Permanent Behavioral Discipline Committee as outlined in these rules.

 Chapter Four: Committee Formation

 Article 9
A. The Permanent Behavioral Discipline Committee for male and female students is formed by a decision from the University President for a term of one academic year. It consists of a dean from one of the colleges or supporting deanships as the chairperson, along with a maximum of five members, including a legal advisor.
B. A Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee for male students and another for female students within the college are formed by a decision from the Dean of the College. These committees serve for one academic year and consist of selected faculty members chosen by the Dean. The committees are responsible for handling violations committed by students.

Article 10
If one or more members of the relevant disciplinary committee were involved in detecting the violation under review or were a party to it, they must be excluded from participating in reviewing the violation. Similarly, any member of the disciplinary committee may request to be excused from reviewing a particular violation if they have an ethical conflict that prevents their participation. In both cases, the authorized individual may appoint a suitable replacement to join the disciplinary committee as needed for reviewing the violation.

Chapter Five: Procedures for Handling Violations

 Article 11
In the event of a violation, a detailed report documenting the incident, circumstances, and evidence of the violation shall be prepared. Supporting documents and witness statements, if available, must be attached. The report and its documents are then submitted to the Dean of the College or their designee, who refers it to the Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee. The committee will investigate the violator, complete the necessary procedures, and forward the report along with its documents to the Chairperson of the Permanent Behavioral Discipline Committee through the Dean of the College or their designee.

Article 12
If a student is caught cheating during an examination or disturbing the peace and order in the examination hall, the invigilator must remove the student from the hall and prepare a detailed report of the incident in accordance with the procedures outlined in Article 12 of these rules. The Dean of the College to which the student belongs, or their designee, must then refer the student to the Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee to handle the matter as per these rules.

Article 13
If a student is found cheating in reports, research, practical or field training, assignments, or graduation projects, the course instructor must document the incident in a report following the procedures outlined in Article 12. The Dean of the College to which the student belongs, or their designee, must refer the student to the Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee to handle the matter as per these rules.

Article 14
If cheating as specified in Clause (3) of Article 5 is proven against a student who has already received their graduation document, the university may revoke the document or certificate, considering Article 7 of these rules. Additionally, the university may refer all documents and investigations related to the violation to the competent state authorities for further action.

Article 15
The Permanent Behavioral Discipline Committee is responsible for the legal procedures to notify the competent state authorities of any violations involving individuals from outside the university if deemed necessary by the relevant university vice president. The committee may also inform the violator's relevant institution about the violations.

Article 16
If a student commits the violation specified in Clause (3) of Article 5, the invigilator must prepare a detailed report of the incident and submit it, along with supporting documents, to the Dean of the College within five business days from the date of the violation. The Dean may refer the violator to the Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee, which can recommend penalties listed in Clauses (6), (7), or (8) of Article 6, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation. The Dean may approve the committee's recommendations or take any other appropriate action.

Article 17
If a student commits the violations specified in Clauses (16) or (19) of Article 5, a detailed report must be prepared and submitted to the Dean of the College to which the student belongs. The Dean may refer the violator to the Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee, which can recommend penalties listed in Clauses (1), (2), or (3) of Article 6, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation. The Dean may approve the committee's recommendations or take any other appropriate action.

Chapter Six

 Article 18
The Permanent Behavioral Discipline Committee convenes as needed at the invitation of its chairperson. Meetings require the presence of a majority of members, including the chairperson or their delegate. Decisions are made by a majority vote of attendees, and in the case of a tie, the side supported by the chairperson prevails.

Article 19
No penalty shall be imposed without summoning the student for an investigation, hearing their statements regarding the allegations, and documenting this in the session’s minutes. The student has the right to defend themselves and present evidence to refute the allegations, including requesting to hear witness testimonies.

Article 20
The student's right to provide statements is forfeited if they are summoned twice by the Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee of the college and fail to appear without an acceptable excuse approved by the committee. In such cases, the violation is reviewed in their absence, and the committee’s decision must be communicated to the student.

Article 21
The relevant committee has the right to summon individuals whose testimonies are deemed necessary. The chairperson formally invites them, and their statements are heard in the presence of the committee members. The essence of their testimonies is recorded in the investigation report, and each witness signs their statement. Witnesses are typically heard individually unless circumstances necessitate a confrontation between them. The committee may also accept written testimonies if deemed necessary.

Article 22
The student in violation shall be summoned and notified in the cases outlined in these rules via email or their registered mobile number with the university. The student is responsible for updating their contact information in their academic system profile.

Article 23
The University President or their delegate has the authority to exercise all the powers of the relevant committees regarding the penalties stipulated in these rules. They may impose any of the penalties listed in Article 6 in cases of disturbances or breaches of order within the university or in cases where the student’s violation requires special, confidential, or urgent handling.

Chapter Seven: Appeals Against Decisions

 Article 24
A student has the right to appeal a disciplinary decision issued against them once. The appeal must be submitted to the University President within one month from the date the student is notified of the decision. The University President may choose to uphold the committee’s decision, refer the appeal to one of the committees for review, or forward it to the University Council. The decision made in this regard is final.

 Chapter Eight: General Provisions

 Article 25
If it is proven that the violation attributed to the student involves a criminal offense, the Permanent Behavioral Discipline Committee may submit recommendations to the relevant University Vice President to forward the documents related to the violation to the competent legal authorities. The committee may also suspend its procedures until a final ruling is issued regarding the case.

Article 26
A student referred for investigation under these rules is not allowed to withdraw from the university or obtain clearance until the investigation is completed. The Sub-Behavioral Discipline Committee must notify the Deanship of Admission and Registration to halt the student’s graduation or clearance process until a final decision is issued regarding the alleged violation.

Article 27
If a cheating incident, as specified in Clause (3) of Article 5, is discovered after the final grade for the course has been approved, the violator is not exempt from accountability and appropriate penalties will be imposed, considering Article 7 of these rules.

Article 28
The committee sessions are held in complete confidentiality, and the decisions issued, along with related documents, are stored in confidential files with the committee. The relevant dean may announce the decision on the college's noticeboard using the student's initials or university ID.

Article 29
The relevant deanship must immediately implement the disciplinary penalty issued by the Behavioral Discipline Committee upon notification, in accordance with the authority and regulations of the university bylaws.

Article 30
When the penalty of suspension from the university is imposed, the student is prohibited from accessing university services and participating in university activities during the suspension period.

Article 31
Deans, vice-deans, department heads, faculty members, and university administrative directors are responsible for ensuring student discipline according to university regulations. If a violation occurs within the university or its facilities, they are responsible for handling it within their jurisdiction and in accordance with these rules.

Article 32
University security and safety personnel are responsible for maintaining security and order within the university campus. The reports and notifications they submit regarding students are considered valid unless proven otherwise.

Article 33
The University Council has the right to add, amend, or revoke any provisions in these rules, as well as interpret their content.

Article 34
These rules shall take effect from the date of their approval by the University Council and shall nullify any previous bylaws, decisions, or instructions that contradict them.
