DENT 412
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Course Description
Course Outline:
Introduction to clinical pediatric dentistry, including behavior management, oral diagnosis, preventive dentistry, care of infants and toddlers, dental anomalies, radiography, anesthesia, restorative procedures, pulp therapy, space maintenance, oral surgery for the primary dentition, and traumatic injuries in the primary and permanent dentitions.
The course is structured so the student may gain experience in the skills necessary to integrate orthodontic treatment within the context of general dental practice. These include a comprehensive clinical evaluation, selecting the correct diagnostic records, developing a list of the patient's orthodontic problems, formulating treatment objectives and establishing a treatment plan that will include the integration of orthodontic treatment with other aspects of dental care when appropriate. The student will also gain familiarity with the biomechanical and patient management principles of orthodontic treatment so they may provide their patients with accurate information about the benefits, risks, practices and alternatives available to patients with both simple and complex malocclusions.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this course, student should be able to:
1. Motivate the child and parent to maintain optimal oral health through the use of current preventive measures available in a modem dental practice.
2. Guide the child and parent in learning to accept the dental experience through an understanding of the normal physiological and sociological growth and development of the child and adolescent.
3. Develop the necessary knowledge and skills to complete restorative dental procedures during the primary, mixed, and young permanent dentition.
4. Recognize and guide of normal growth and development of the oral facial complex and interception of development abnormalities.
5. Have a basic understanding of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment.
6. Understand orthodontic diagnosis within the antero-posterior, vertical, and transverse dimensions
7. Know the basic etiology of malocclusion, and basic epidemiology of orthodontic problems.
8. Identify anatomic landmarks in cephalometric radiographs and be able to analyze cephalometric data.
9. Understand the planes of space used in orthodontic diagnosis.
10. Recognize the general and specific factors that may contribute to the development of a malocclusion.
11. Know the normal eruption patterns of teeth and be able to recognize abnormal eruption sequences.
Educational Methods:
1. PBL sessions.
2. Lectures:
Assessment of Students:
1. Continuous assessment.
2. Final examination.
1. Mc Donald, Avery, Dean: Dentistry for the child and Adolescent. 8th Ed., MOSBY, 2004.
2. S. Bishara: Text book of Orthodontics, SAUNDERS, 2004.
3. Proffit: Contemporary of Orthodontics, 4th Ed. 2007, MOSBY.