Knowledge of Nursing Students Towards Tele-nursing Care: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: Telenursing, a component of telehealth, uses technology for remote nursingcare, promoting healthcare access, and improving patient outcomes effectively. Aim: Thisstudy aimed to assess the knowledge of nursing students towards telenursing care.Method: A cross-sectional design was employed, and data were collected from 80 nursingstudents at Jouf University. The participants' knowledge of telenursing was evaluatedthrough a questionnaire consisting of multiple-choice items. Results: The findings revealedthat the participants had a moderate level of knowledge regarding telenursing, with ahigher understanding of the concept compared to specific advantages, disadvantages, andresources used in telenursing. Overall, the nursing students exhibited positive attitudestowards telenursing, perceiving it as an effective and safe form of patient care.