A Secured Technique for Executing Queries over Multidimensional Encrypted Data
In new computing architectures, data is outsourcedand sensitive data becomes vulnerable in various areas. Ownersmust guarantee that their data are secure from breaches andunauthorized users and available anytime. Various techniqueshave been proposed to maintain a certain degree of privacy inthe database and to allow efficient execution of queries on cloudcomputing. These methods cannot securely support queries overencrypted data without leaking private data. Therefore, in thispaper, a secure technique was proposed for executing queries overencrypted data, and the proposed technique was based on thedesign of CryptDB. This technique eliminates the limitations ofCryptDB to perform server-side computations on cryptographicdata of different principles. The proposed technique attemptsto overcome CryptDB’s limitations by encrypting with differentkeys in multidimensional mode and running each query on thecorresponding data encrypted by the same key
(PDF) A Secured Technique for Executing Queries over Multidimensional Encrypted Data. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373376755_A_Secured_Technique_… [accessed Dec 22 2024].