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User Guide for E-Learning Systems Requests Service

User Guide for E-Learning Systems Requests Service

Access to e-learning systems requests service:

The service can be accessed through the direct link.


Alternatively, through the unified login portal on the university website, then select “Requests for e-learning systems”

Login to the e-learning systems requests service:

You can log in to the service in two ways:

  • Through the Nafath service.
  • By logging in with your university ID.


Create a new request:

            To create a new request


  1. After logging into the system, from the menu, choose “Create a new request.”

  2. Select the type of request from the list of available requests. If the type of request is not in the list, choose the type of request “Other”.


  3. Enter the required information for each type of request. For example, for the “Open a Public or Private Group” service, add:
  • Group name and group description
  • Add the name of the group administrator and his job number
  • In addition to attaching an Excel file containing data on the users to add to the group.



Approval of requests:


After creating the request, a set of approvals are required, and the hierarchy is as follows:

1-Dean of the college sending the request.

2-Dean of the college sending the request.

3-Dean of e-learning.

4-Director of the e-learning department.


Select My Tasks from the main menu to view requests that require approval by the agent or dean.


Follow up on submitted requests:


To follow up on the submitted requests, select My Requests from the menu. The name of the applicant, the subject of the request, its date, and the status of the request will appear.


When the request is completed, a notification message will sent to you that the request completed. It can viewed by clicking on Notifications in the main menu.

