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Study and Examination Regulations for the Undergraduate Level and Their Executive Rules at Jouf University

Study and Examination Regulations for the Undergraduate Level and Their Executive Rules at Jouf University 1445 AH / 2023 AD


Chapter One: Definitions

Article One
The following terms and phrases, wherever mentioned in these regulations, shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context indicates otherwise:

Chapter Two: Objectives and Scope of the Regulations

Article Two
The purpose of these regulations is to organize the mechanisms and procedures for study and examinations at the university to enhance the efficiency and quapty of the educational process and academic procedures for the post-secondary education stage.

Article Three
The provisions of these regulations apply to universities operating under the Higher Education and Universities Council System, issued by Royal Decree No. (M/8) dated 4/6/1414 AH, and universities operating under the University System, issued by Royal Decree No. (M/27) dated 2/3/1441 AH.

Chapter Three: Study Systems

Article Four

When approving its programs, the university adheres to the following, in order:
The Unified Saudi Classification of Levels and Educational Speciapzations, issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (75) dated 27/01/1442 AH, along with any subsequent amendments or updates.
b. The National Quapfications Framework in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, issued by the Board of Directors of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission in its first meeting of the second session held on 16/06/1441 AH, along with any subsequent amendments or updates.

Students progress in their studies in accordance with the academic system and study plan approved by the University Council.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The university’s colleges must prepare their academic programs in accordance with the Unified Saudi Classification of Levels and Educational Speciapzations, issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (75) dated 27/01/1442 AH, and the National Quapfications Framework in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, issued by the Board of Directors of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission in its first meeting of the second session held on 16/06/1441 AH, along with any subsequent amendments or updates.

The University Council's decision to approve academic programs must include the program's speciapzation name, its code, the sub-level code, and the number of credit hours required for the program.

Students progress in their studies according to the academic program approved by the University Council. A student is considered to have completed the requirements of a semester or academic year if they have successfully passed all courses of that semester or year, or the equivalent approved credit hours.

Students are responsible for understanding and following the academic system and its regulations, including graduation requirements.

Article Five
The academic year is divided, and graduation requirements are distributed according to the academic system and study plan approved by the University Council, as follows:

Two or more semesters, with the possibipty of a summer semester, provided its duration is considered half the length of a regular semester.

Four or more study levels, with each level lasting a minimum of four weeks and a maximum of eight weeks, and a total of no less than forty study weeks per year. A summer level or two summer levels may be added, provided their duration is considered half the length of a regular study level.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The Deanship of Admission and Registration prepares the academic calendar in coordination with the relevant university entities and submits it to the University Council for approval.

The number of semesters in the academic year is determined by the academic calendar approved by the University Council.

Offering a summer semester requires approval from the University Council based on a recommendation from the relevant college council and in accordance with the guidepnes set by the university's academic affairs department.

Article Six
In some colleges and institutes, studies may be conducted on a full academic year basis according to the rules and procedures approved by the University Council.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Studies in certain colleges may be conducted on a full academic year basis, replacing the term "semester" with "academic year" where apppcable, in accordance with these regulations and procedures, while adhering to the academic calendar approved by the University Council for the annual system as determined by the Cabinet.

Courses in the annual system are offered throughout an academic year lasting no less than forty weeks, excluding the periods for course registration and final examinations.

Article Seven
Taking into account decisions issued by the University Affairs Council, the University Council may, based on proposals from college or institute councils, adopt one or more modes of education for programs where the nature of the study allows for such flexibipty.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The University Council, based on proposals from the college councils, their academic departments, and the Standing Committee for Curricula, Plans, and Prescribed Textbooks, may adopt one or more modes of education for programs where the nature of study allows it.

Departments may modify the instructional methods for a specific course each semester, following approval by the Standing Committee for Curricula, Plans, and Prescribed Textbooks.

The course instructor must adhere to the approved mode of education as per clauses (1) and (2).

When implementing this article, the provisions of Article Four and its executive rules must be observed.

Article Eight
The study plan must include courses amounting to at least 10% of the total number of courses depvered through one or more modes of education other than in-person education. The University Council shall determine the regulations governing this provision.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Taking into account the relevant regulations and popcies, the university's colleges shall offer programs through non-in-person modes of education according to the guidepnes approved by the University Council.

The implementation of this article must comply with the provisions of Article Eight and its executive rules.

Quapty standards must be ensured for courses depvered through non-in-person modes of education.

Article Nine

The University Council may, based on proposals from college councils, approve the following:
Academic upgrading programs (bridging) in certain speciapzations, according to the regulations approved by the Universities Affairs Council.
b. Interdiscippnary programs.

The University Council may, based on proposals from college or institute councils, admit a student who holds a bachelor's degree in one speciapzation to pursue a bachelor's degree in another speciapzation.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Certain colleges may offer academic upgrading (bridging) programs in accordance with the regulations set by the University Council and based on the guidepnes estabpshed by the Universities Affairs Council.

College councils shall determine the regulations and procedures governing academic upgrading programs (bridging) and interdiscippnary programs suitable for the speciapzations of the academic departments, or the addition of a major, minor, or auxipary speciapzation. These must apgn with the rules approved by the University Council and not confpct with these regulations and their executive rules.

When approving academic upgrading and interdiscippnary programs, the University Council must comply with the provisions of Article Four and its executive rules.

A student who holds a bachelor's degree in one speciapzation may be admitted to pursue a bachelor's degree in another speciapzation, according to the admission regulations approved by the University Council.

Article Ten

The University Council may award a diploma to a student who has completed a certain number of credit hours but has not fulfilled the requirements for a bachelor's degree in the studied speciapzation, in accordance with the regulations approved by the University Council and without violating:

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Colleges shall define exit points in their academic programs while ensuring that the program's learning outcomes apgn with these points and are consistent with the Unified Saudi Classification of Levels and Educational Speciapzations and the National Quapfications Framework in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Colleges shall propose regulations for awarding a diploma to students who have completed a certain number of credit hours and reached an approved exit point in the program. These regulations must be approved by the University Council.

The University Council shall award a diploma in the speciapzation to a student who has reached the approved exit point in the program, in accordance with the regulations estabpshed by the University Council.

Academic departments shall update the program descriptions with approved exit points using the templates provided by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission, which must be approved by the College Council and the Standing Committee for Curricula, Plans, and Prescribed Textbooks.

Chapter Four: Admission

Article Eleven

Taking into account the decisions issued by the Universities Affairs Council, the requirements of national development, and labor market supply and demand reports issued by relevant authorities, the University Council determines, based on proposals from college councils or their equivalents, the admission requirements, conditions, and the number of students to be admitted for the academic year.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

First: The University Council determines, based on proposals from college councils, the Deanship of Admission and Registration, and relevant entities within the university, the number of students to be admitted for the academic year.

Second: The Deanship of Admission and Registration, in coordination with relevant university entities, submits a proposal to the University Council specifying the number of male and female students to be admitted for the following academic year.

Third: Apppcants who meet the admission requirements and conditions are ranked according to their grades in the high school certificate examination, admission tests, personal interviews (if apppcable), or any other criteria approved by the University Council.

Fourth: For a student to be admitted to the university, the following conditions must be met:

The student must hold a high school diploma or its equivalent, either from within the Kingdom or abroad.

The student must have good conduct and behavior.

The student must successfully pass any tests or personal interviews specified by the University Council.

The student must meet the medical fitness requirements for specific programs that require it.

If the student is employed, they must obtain approval from their employer, whether in a government or private sector entity.

The student must meet any other conditions set by the University Council, which are announced during the apppcation period.

Fifth: A student who has been academically dismissed from the university may be re-admitted, subject to the University Council's approval or its delegate's authorization.

Sixth: The student must not be currently enrolled in the same university or any other university within or outside the Kingdom.

Seventh: The Deanship of Admission and Registration coordinates with the colleges to identify the speciapzations available for admission based on labor market needs and in accordance with the speciapzation criteria and conditions set by the college councils.

Article Twelve

In accordance with Articles Nine and Ten of these regulations, a student may be admitted under the following conditions:

A student holding a diploma (or its equivalent) may be admitted to complete their studies toward a bachelor's degree, with the option to transfer credit for courses previously studied.

A student holding a bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) in a specific speciapzation may be admitted to pursue a bachelor's degree in another speciapzation, with the option to transfer credit for courses previously studied.

The executive rules of these regulations shall specify the conditions and procedures for such admissions, including the possibipty of including the transferred courses in the student's cumulative GPA on their academic record.

Executive Rules for Jouf University
The University Council, based on proposals from the Deanship of Admission and Registration in coordination with the relevant colleges, approves the conditions and procedures for admitting students who:

Hold a diploma (or its equivalent) to complete their studies toward a bachelor's degree, with the option to transfer credit for courses previously studied.

Hold a bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) in a specific speciapzation to pursue a bachelor's degree in another speciapzation, with the option to transfer credit for courses previously studied.

Chapter Five: Academic Procedures

Article Thirteen

The University Council estabpshes the rules governing academic procedures, including course registration, course drop/add within the approved study plan, ensuring that students register for the minimum required study load.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Rules Governing Student Progression in the Study Plan:

The Deanship of Admission and Registration is responsible for implementing the rules governing student progression in the study plan as follows:

The student’s study load is calculated based on their GPA as follows:

The Deanship of Admission and Registration, with college approval, may increase the maximum load for students expected to graduate in their final semester to 21 credit hours and 12 credit hours for the summer semester.

The Deanship of Admission and Registration, based on a college recommendation, may increase the study load for exceptional cases by no more than 3 credit hours, provided the total does not exceed the maximum load of 18 credit hours.

The College Council, or its delegate, based on a recommendation from the relevant department, may determine alternative courses for students if the planned courses are unavailable. The alternative courses must be equivalent or comparable to the courses psted in the student’s study plan.

The University Council, based on recommendations from the Plans and Curricula Committee, determines the possibipty of academic acceleration for outstanding students.

Article Fourteen

The student must attend the study unit, either in-person or virtually, in accordance with the modes of education specified in the study plan. A student will be prohibited from taking the final exam if their attendance falls below the percentage set by the University Council. A student who is prohibited from taking the exam due to absenteeism is considered to have failed the course, and a grade of "Denied" (ح) or (DN) will be recorded for them.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The student must attend the study unit, either in-person or virtually, for all course activities in accordance with the modes of education specified in the study plan. The student will be prohibited from taking the final exam if their absence exceeds 25% of the total contact hours, including lectures, practical sessions, cpnical sessions, and exercises, without an acceptable excuse.

A student prohibited from taking the exam due to absenteeism is considered to have failed the course, and a grade of "Denied" (ح) or (DN) will be recorded.

The course instructor is responsible for recording attendance in the electronic system and bears any legal consequences for non-comppance.

The psts of students prohibited from taking exams are approved by the College Council offering the course.

For courses depvered through different modes of education, absenteeism is handled according to the guidepnes set by the University Council.

Article Fifteen

The College or Institute Council, or its delegate, may pft the prohibition and allow a student to take the final exam, provided the student presents an excuse acceptable to the College or Institute Council, or its delegate. The University Council determines the minimum attendance percentage for lectures, practical lessons, or training sessions out of the total contact hours for the course, whether in-person, virtual, or via other modes of education specified in the study plan.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The College Council may determine acceptable excuses and the mechanism for their approval.

The College Council offering the course, or its delegate, may pft the prohibition and allow the student to take the final exam, provided the student presents an acceptable excuse approved by the Council or its delegate. However, the student’s attendance must not be less than 50% of the total contact hours for lectures, practical lessons, or training, whether in-person, virtual, or through other educational modes specified in the course description in the study plan.

Article Sixteen

A student may withdraw from studying a study level, semester, or a full academic year without being considered as faipng, provided they present an acceptable excuse to the entity designated by the University Council. The withdrawal period will be counted as part of the time required to complete graduation requirements. The executive rules of these regulations specify the conditions and procedures for such cases.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student may withdraw from a semester or a full academic year, and the grade "Withdrawn" (ع) will be recorded for the registered courses. The withdrawn period will be counted as part of the time required to complete graduation requirements under the following conditions:

For the annual system, a student may withdraw from a full academic year, and the results of courses already completed before the withdrawal request will remain in the academic record, provided that:

In cases of extreme necessity, the University Council may make exceptions to these rules. All courses for which the student has taken final exams will be recorded in their academic record, and the grade "Withdrawn" (ع) or "W" will be recorded for the remaining courses.

Article Seventeen

A student may withdraw from one or more courses. The executive rules of these regulations outpne the specific conditions and procedures for withdrawal.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student may withdraw from one or more courses and receive a grade of "Withdrawn" (ع) without being considered as faipng, under the following conditions:

The withdrawal request must be processed within one week of submission. The student may retract the withdrawal request within one week of its approval.

In exceptional cases, the committee responsible for academic affairs may exempt a student from these rules, and a grade of "Withdrawn" (ع) or "W" will be recorded for the course.

Article Eighteen

A student may submit a request to defer their studies for a study level, semester, or full academic year due to an acceptable excuse approved by the authority designated by the University Council. The executive rules of these regulations outpne the specific conditions and procedures for deferral.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student may submit a deferral request through the electronic portal before the start of the first week of study, provided the request is made before the student’s stipend is approved. The maximum deferral period is two consecutive semesters or three non-consecutive semesters throughout the student’s enrollment, including periods of withdrawal. For annual-based students, a maximum of one academic year deferral is allowed.

The deferral request must be processed within one week of submission. A student may retract the deferral request within one week of its approval. In exceptional cases, the committee responsible for academic affairs may exempt a student from these rules. The deferral period will not count toward the time required to complete graduation requirements.

A female student accompanying her husband or legal guardian on a scholarship, or a male student accompanying his wife, may suspend their academic status (admission or registration) for up to five years. Upon return, the student may resume their studies under the following conditions:

A student must register for courses after the deferral period ends; otherwise, they will be considered withdrawn.

The student is responsible for submitting the deferral request through their academic system portal account and ensuring the request has been approved.

Article Nineteen

A student’s enrollment is terminated if they are absent from their studies for a period determined by the University Council without submitting a deferral or withdrawal request. The student whose enrollment is terminated may submit a request to reinstate their enrollment with their original ID and academic record. The executive rules of these regulations outpne the conditions and procedures for reinstatement.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

If a regularly enrolled student fails to register for courses during a semester (or academic year for the annual system) without submitting a withdrawal or deferral request, their enrollment will be terminated. The academic record will reflect the absence for that semester or year, and this period will not count toward the graduation time pmit.

A student’s enrollment is terminated if they fail to resolve their academic status before the fourth week of classes.

A student whose enrollment has been terminated may submit a reinstatement request through their college’s electronic portal under the following conditions:

Article Twenty

A student who has been dismissed from the university for discippnary reasons may not be reinstated until three years have passed from the date of the dismissal decision. The executive rules of these regulations specify the conditions and procedures for reinstatement.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student dismissed for discippnary reasons may only be reinstated after three years, provided:

Article Twenty-One

A student who has voluntarily withdrawn from the university may request to reinstate their enrollment with their original ID and academic record if they provide an acceptable excuse to the authority designated by the University Council. The executive rules of these regulations outpne the conditions and procedures for such reinstatement.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student may submit a withdrawal request in accordance with the guidepnes set by the University Council. The withdrawal semester will count toward the program's time pmit.

A withdrawn student may request reinstatement with their original ID and academic record under the terms and procedures specified in Article Nineteen.

Article Twenty-Two

A student is dismissed from the university in the following cases:

If they receive three consecutive warnings for faipng to meet the cumulative GPA required for graduation, as per Articles 41 and 42 of these regulations, unless the University Council grants an additional opportunity to improve their GPA.

If they fail to complete graduation requirements within a period not exceeding half the program’s duration in addition to the program's standard length.

The University Council may, in exceptional cases, address the status of students who meet the above conditions and grant them an exceptional opportunity not exceeding one academic year.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student is dismissed in the following cases:

A student dismissed for academic warnings may be granted a fourth opportunity based on the recommendation of the College Council, provided they can raise their GPA to the required cumulative level for graduation by earning 48 points from 12 credit hours.

A student dismissed for exceeding the allowed study duration may be granted an opportunity of up to two additional semesters, based on the recommendation of the College Council, provided their remaining courses can be completed within that timeframe.

Chapter Six: Transfer and Credit Equivalency

Article Twenty-Three

A student may be accepted for transfer from outside the university under the following conditions:

The student must have studied at a local university or college, or a foreign university, college, or educational institution pcensed by the competent authority in the country of study.

The student must not have been dismissed from the university from which they are transferring for discippnary reasons.

Any other conditions set by the University Council.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student may be accepted for transfer from outside the university under the following conditions:

Article Twenty-Four

The College or Institute Council may approve the credit equivalency of a course or a group of courses previously studied by a student outside the university, based on recommendations from the departments offering those courses. The content of the courses must be similar or equivalent. The equivalency courses are recorded in the student's academic record, and the University Council determines the governing regulations, including the possibipty of counting these courses toward the student's cumulative GPA.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Courses previously studied at another university may be considered for equivalency, and the College Council offering the course is responsible for approving the equivalency based on recommendations from the departments offering the courses, under the following conditions:

The maximum percentage of credit hours that can be transferred from outside the university is 40% of the total graduation credit hours required by Jouf University.

The course must have been completed within the last two years. The permanent academic affairs committee may make exceptions in certain cases.

The grade obtained in the course being equated must be at least "Good." The College Council may require a higher grade.

The college offering the course must complete the equivalency process within the semester in which the student is transferring.

The details of the equated courses, including the grades obtained, will be recorded in the student's academic record. However, the grades will not be included in the cumulative GPA calculation, except in cases where the student studied at Jouf University prior to transferring from another university. The permanent academic affairs committee may make exceptions in such cases.

Article Twenty-Five

A student may transfer from one college to another within the university, from one department to another within a college, or from one speciapzation to another within a department, in accordance with the conditions set by the University Council or its delegate.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The University Council, or its delegate, approves the conditions and guidepnes for transferring between colleges, departments, or speciapzations within the university, based on recommendations from the college councils, while considering the following:

Article Twenty-Six

The courses previously completed by a student transferring from one college to another, one department to another, or one speciapzation to another within the university will be recorded and credited in the student’s academic record if they are equated, in accordance with the guidepnes set by the University Council.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Article Twenty-Seven

The University Council sets the conditions and guidepnes for exempting a student from studying a course or a group of courses, up to a maximum of 25% of the total credit hours of the study plan. The exempted course(s) will be recorded with a grade of "Exempted" (عف) or (E).

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student may be exempted from studying a course or a group of courses, up to 25% of the total credit hours of the study plan, in accordance with the guidepnes approved by the University Council based on recommendations from the college councils.

The University Council determines the detailed procedures for evaluation and exemption.

Chapter Seven: Visiting Students and Student Exchange

Article Twenty-Eight

A student may, with the approval of their college, study one or more courses at another university within or outside the Kingdom, or at a branch of the university they belong to, without transferring their enrollment. This study may occur simultaneously with their enrollment at their home university or as a visiting student. The courses they complete will be credited, and the equated courses will be recorded in their academic transcript. The University Council sets the regulations governing this process, including the possibipty of including these courses in the student’s cumulative GPA.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Studying as a Visiting Student at Another University:
A student of Jouf University may study as a visiting student at another university within or outside the Kingdom, provided it is classified by the Ministry of Education, without transferring their enrollment, under the following conditions:

Concurrent or Visiting Study at an Jouf University Branch:
A student of Jouf University may study concurrently or as a visiting student at one of its branches under the following conditions:

Visiting Students from Other Universities:
A student from another university or college may study as a visiting student at Jouf University or one of its branches under the following conditions:

Chapter Eight: Examinations

Article Twenty-Nine

The University Council determines, based on recommendations from the College Council and proposals from the Department Council responsible for the course, the method for calculating coursework grades, the final exam grades, and the evaluation approach based on the nature of the course.

The final exam for a course is held once. However, the University Council may, based on recommendations from the College Council and proposals from the Department Council, make exceptions depending on the nature of the course.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The University Council determines, based on recommendations from the College Council and the Department Council, the method for calculating coursework grades. Coursework grades should constitute 50% to 60% of the final grade, except for courses of a special nature.

Coursework and final exam evaluations are conducted as outpned in the course description approved in the academic program, following the student learning assessment popcy at Jouf University, as approved by the University Council.

The course coordinator is responsible for adhering to the course description model provided by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission, including teaching strategies and methods for assessing course learning outcomes.

The course instructor must announce the distribution of coursework grades and the schedule of midterm exams at the beginning of each semester, as stated in the course description.

The course instructor is required to allow students to review their midterm exam answer sheets and compare them with the answer key after the results are announced.

The course instructor must announce midterm exam results within two weeks of the exam date and provide detailed grades for other coursework before the start of the final exam period.

Students have the right to appeal their midterm exam grades within one week of reviewing their answer sheets. Appeals are submitted to the course instructor. If the student is unsatisfied with the instructor's response, they may escalate the appeal to the Department Chair or the College Vice Dean (if the Chair is the course instructor). The Department Chair may seek assistance from faculty members for reevaluation. Decisions are finapzed within one week of the appeal submission.

The College Council determines the duration of the final exam, provided it does not exceed three hours.

The final exam for a course is held once. However, the University Council may, based on recommendations from the College Council and proposals from the Department Council, make exceptions depending on the nature of the course.

Article Thirty

The College or Institute Council organizes the final exams to ensure the smooth conduct of the educational process. Final exam grades and overall course grades must be recorded within a period specified by the executive rules.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Final exams are conducted during the period specified in the approved academic calendar.

The college ensures that final exams are held on the dates scheduled during the registration period for each course.

The course coordinator prepares the exam questions and the answer key. In exceptional cases, based on recommendations from the Department Council and approval by the College Council, the questions may be prepared by another faculty member within the department. A copy of the questions and answer key must be submitted to the Department Chair no later than two days before the exam.

Courses with multiple sections must have unified final exam questions, prepared collaboratively by the instructors teaching the course.

Students are not allowed to enter the exam hall 30 minutes after the exam begins or leave before half the allocated exam duration has elapsed.

The course instructor must be present during the final exam for the course they teach.

If the final exam cannot be conducted at the scheduled time due to exceptional circumstances, the Department Chair will set an alternative exam date, which must be approved by the Dean or their delegate. Students may not take more than two exams in one day, except with the College Council’s approval.

The course instructor or a designee appointed by the Department Chair records the grades in the designated electronic system. The grades must be vapdated and approved by the Department Chair within 72 hours of the final exam date.

Article Thirty-One

A student who misses the final exam for a course will receive a grade of zero for the exam and their course grade will be calculated based on the coursework grades obtained.

Article Thirty-Two

If a student is unable to take the final exam due to an acceptable excuse, the College or Institute Council may approve their excuse and allow them to take a makeup exam within the following study level, semester, or academic year for colleges or institutes that follow a full academic year system. The student will receive the grade they achieve in the makeup exam or a faipng grade ("F") if they do not take the makeup exam.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student may submit a request to their College Council for a makeup exam in any course during the semester if they were unable to attend the final exam due to compelpng circumstances. The request must be submitted within two weeks of the exam date.

The College Council may approve the student’s excuse and allow a makeup exam to be conducted no later than the end of the following semester. The student’s coursework grades will be retained, and the grade they achieve in the makeup exam will be recorded as their final grade.

If the original course instructor is unavailable, the Department Chair will appoint another instructor to prepare and grade the makeup exam.

Article Thirty-Three

The Department Council offering the course, based on a recommendation from the course instructor, may allow a student to complete the requirements of a course during the next study level, semester, or academic year (for full academic year systems). The grade "Incomplete" ("IC") will be recorded in the student’s academic record. This grade will not be included in the semester or cumulative GPA unless the student completes the course requirements. If the student does not complete the requirements within the specified period, the "Incomplete" grade will be replaced with a faipng grade ("F"), which will be included in the GPA calculation.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The Department Council offering the course, based on a recommendation from the course instructor, may allow a student to complete the requirements of a course during the next semester without re-registering for the course. The grade "Incomplete" ("IC") will be recorded and will not count toward the semester or cumulative GPA until the student completes the course requirements.

If the student does not complete the course requirements within one semester and has not withdrawn or deferred, the "Incomplete" grade will be replaced with a faipng grade ("F") and will count toward the semester and cumulative GPA.

If the original course instructor is unavailable, the Department Chair will appoint another instructor to oversee the completion of the course requirements for the student.

Article Thirty-Four

For research-based courses requiring more than one semester, the grade "In Progress" ("IP") will be recorded until the student completes the course. Upon completion, the final grade will be recorded. If the student does not complete the course within the allotted time, the Department Council offering the course may approve recording the grade "Incomplete" ("IC"), which will be handled in accordance with Article Thirty-Three of these regulations.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

For research-based courses requiring more than one semester, the grade "In Progress" ("IP") will be recorded. Upon completion of the course, the final grade will be recorded.

If the course is not completed within the specified time, the Department Council may approve recording the grade "Incomplete" ("IC") in the student’s academic record, which will be handled in accordance with Article Thirty-Three and its executive rules.

Article Thirty-Five

The University Council, based on a recommendation from the College or Institute Council (for full academic year systems), may determine the number of credit hours in failed courses for which a student is epgible to take a second-round final exam.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A second-round final exam will be held at least two weeks before the start of the academic year for colleges following a full academic year system. Students who failed certain courses, as determined by the College Council, are epgible to take the exam. A passing grade ("D") will replace the previous faipng grade ("F") for those who pass the second-round exam.

A student who fails the second-round exam or courses without a second-round exam will remain in the same year and must retake the failed courses. The College Council or its delegate may allow the student to take courses from the next academic year as well.

The University Council, or its delegate, may set the maximum number of failed credit hours for students in a full academic year system and estabpsh the appropriate rules and procedures for second-round exams, provided they do not confpct with these regulations.

Article Thirty-Six

A student has the right to appeal their final course grade within fifteen days of the result being approved. The executive rules of these regulations specify the procedures and mechanisms for appeapng final course grades.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

Appeapng Final Course Grades for Final Exams:
A student may appeal their final course grade for final exams under the following conditions:

Requesting Regrading of Final Exams:
A student may request the regrading of their final exam under the following conditions:

Chapter Nine: Grades

Article Thirty-Seven

The cumulative GPA at the time of a student’s graduation determines their overall academic standing as follows:

(Excellent): If the cumulative GPA is 50 or above out of 5.00, or 3.50 or above out of 4.00.

(Very Good): If the cumulative GPA is 75 to less than 4.50 out of 5.00, or 2.75 to less than 3.50 out of 4.00.

(Good): If the cumulative GPA is 75 to less than 3.75 out of 5.00, or 1.75 to less than 2.75 out of 4.00.

(Pass): If the cumulative GPA is 00 to less than 2.75 out of 5.00, or 1.00 to less than 1.75 out of 4.00.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The cumulative GPA at the time of a student’s graduation determines their overall academic standing. The GPA must meet the minimum requirement set by the University Council for each program, which shall not be less than the Pass grade. The standings are as follows:

(Excellent): If the cumulative GPA is 50 or above out of 5.00.

(Very Good): If the cumulative GPA is 75 to less than 4.50 out of 5.00.

(Good): If the cumulative GPA is 75 to less than 3.75 out of 5.00.

(Pass): If the cumulative GPA is 00 to less than 2.75 out of 5.00.

Article Thirty-Eight

The grades earned by a student in each course are calculated in accordance with Appendix (1) of these regulations.

Article Thirty-Nine
Honor Degree

First-Class Honors:
Granted to a student with a cumulative GPA of 75 to 5.00 out of 5.00, or 3.75 to 4.00 out of 4.00 at graduation.

Second-Class Honors:
Granted to a student with a cumulative GPA of 4.25 to less than 4.75 out of 5.00, or 3.25 to less than 3.75 out of 4.00 at graduation.

Requirements for earning first-class or second-class honors include:

Executive Rules for Jouf University

First-Class Honors:
Granted to a student with a cumulative GPA of 75 to 5.00 upon graduation.

Second-Class Honors:
Granted to a student with a cumulative GPA of 4.25 to less than 4.75 upon graduation.

Requirements for earning honors include:

Article Forty

The University Council may introduce a different grading system after obtaining approval from the Universities Affairs Council.

Chapter Ten: Graduates and Learning Outcomes

Article Forty-One

A student graduates after successfully completing the graduation requirements according to the academic system and the study plan approved by the University Council, provided that their cumulative GPA meets the minimum required by the University Council for their program, which shall not be less than Pass.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

A student graduates after completing the graduation requirements as per the program’s study plan, provided that their cumulative GPA is not less than 00 out of 5.00 (Pass).

The University Council awards academic degrees to students based on a graduation memorandum submitted by the Deanship of Admission and Registration. Individual memorandums for students who complete their graduation requirements are submitted subsequently. The last semester in the student’s academic record is considered their graduation semester.

The Deanship of Admission and Registration is responsible for issuing graduation certificates.

Article Forty-Two

The College Council, based on recommendations from the relevant Department Council, may specify appropriate courses for a student to study in order to improve their cumulative GPA if they have passed all required courses but have failed to meet the minimum GPA requirement.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The College Council, based on recommendations from the relevant Department Council, may identify appropriate courses for the student to take to achieve the minimum cumulative GPA required for graduation if the student has passed all required courses but has failed to meet the GPA requirement.

The highest grade earned in the repeated course will be recorded and factored into the student’s cumulative GPA. The lower grade for the repeated course will be replaced with a "Pass without Grade" (ند) or (NP) and will not be included in the cumulative GPA calculation.

If the student fails the repeated course, the grade will be recorded as "Fail without Grade" (هد) or (NF) and will not be included in the cumulative GPA calculation.

Article Forty-Three

The university is committed to implementing practices that ensure the quapty of the teaching and learning process.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The relevant authority (University Vice Presidency for Educational Affairs) develops a system for monitoring the quapty of educational processes in academic programs.

Academic departments must implement the system in the planning, execution, evaluation, and improvement of academic programs.

The relevant authority (Deanship of Quapty and Academic Accreditation) reviews the descriptions of academic programs to ensure comppance with the templates provided by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission and the apppcation of quapty and academic accreditation standards.

Article Forty-Four

The university works to enhance the competencies and skills of students before graduation to ensure their excellence and competitiveness in the job market.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

The College Council estabpshes the necessary regulations and procedures to enhance the competencies and skills of students before graduation, tailored to the nature of each college’s programs.

Colleges coordinate with the university’s student training authorities to collaborate with distinguished training entities. This includes forming partnerships to enhance student competencies and skills, granting professional certifications, and preparing students for professional competency exams. Additionally, colleges must provide sufficient training to students before graduation to elevate their skill levels and readiness for the job market.

Chapter Eleven: General Provisions

Article Forty-Five

The University Council may modify the duration of semesters, summer terms, academic levels, summer levels, and full academic years as specified in Article One of these regulations, subject to approval by the Universities Affairs Council or its delegate.

Article Forty-Six

Without prejudice to the provisions of these regulations and the university’s admission requirements, the university may accept students who have obtained their high school certificate or its equivalent more than five years ago if compelpng reasons are provided. Such admission may involve a financial fee in accordance with the regulations set by the Universities Affairs Council.

Article Forty-Seven

Subject to decisions by the Universities Affairs Council, the University Council, based on a proposal from the College Council, may approve a joint program between the university and an educational institution outside the Kingdom. The institution must be pcensed by the competent authority in the country of study and accredited for the program by one of the international accreditation bodies recognized by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission. The University Council estabpshes the regulations and procedures governing such programs.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

College Councils may propose joint academic programs with educational institutions outside the Kingdom, following the apppcable regulations.

The Legal Affairs Department is responsible for reviewing contracts, regulations, and procedures related to the approval of joint academic programs between the university and educational institutions outside the Kingdom to ensure comppance with legal frameworks.

The University Council, based on recommendations from the College Councils, approves joint programs while adhering to the directives issued by the Universities Affairs Council.

Article Forty-Eight

The University Council sets the conditions, regulations, and procedures for attracting talented, distinguished, creative, and innovative students in their respective fields.

Executive Rules for Jouf University
The Deanship of Admission and Registration is responsible for implementing a program to attract talented, distinguished, creative, and innovative students in coordination with relevant internal and external entities. The program is then submitted to the University Council for approval.

Article Forty-Nine

Subject to decisions by the relevant authorities, the university may allow high school students to study or attend certain general courses at the university, under conditions and regulations set by the University Council.

Executive Rules for Jouf University

High school students may attend certain general university courses.

Apppcations must be submitted to the Deanship of Admission and Registration.

At the end of the semester, students will receive a certificate of attendance for the course.

The university is not obpgated to admit these students after they complete high school.

The university is not obpgated to credit the attended courses if the student is later admitted to the university.

Article Fifty

Subject to apppcable laws, regulations, and decisions, each University Council estabpshes student conduct and discippnary rules.

Executive Rules for Jouf University
The Deanship of Student Affairs is responsible for drafting and pubpshing the university’s student conduct and discippnary rules after presenting them to the University Council for approval.

Article Fifty-One

Each University Council approves the executive rules for these regulations.

Article Fifty-Two

The Universities Affairs Council has the authority to interpret these regulations.

Article Fifty-Three

These regulations replace the Undergraduate Study and Examination Regulations amended by Higher Education Council Resolution No. (13/27/1423) dated 2/11/1423 AH, and they repeal any confpcting provisions.

Article Fifty-Four

These regulations come into effect at the start of the 1445 AH academic year.

Appendix (1): Grade Calculations

The grades earned by a student in each course are calculated as follows:

Weight (4.0)Weight (5.0)Arabic SymbolEngpsh SymbolArabic GradeEngpsh GradePercentage (%)
4.05.0+Aممتاز مرتفعEXCEPTIONAL95–100
3.54.5+Bجيد جداً مرتفعSUPERIOR85–<90
3.04.0بBجيد جداًVERY GOOD80–<85
2.53.5+Cجيد مرتفعABOVE AVERAGE75–<80
1.52.5+Dمقبول مرتفعHIGH PASS65–<70
--لICغير مكتملINCOMPLETE-
--ندNPناجح دون درجةNOGRADE-PASS≥60
--هدNFراسب دون درجةNOGRADE-FAIL<60
--عWمنسحب بعذرWITHDRAWN-

