Student Guide Virtual Classrooms
What is a virtual classroom:
A virtual classroom is an online learning environment that simulates a traditional classroom. Students and teachers meet through the Blackboard system. Students can attend lectures and interact with the teacher and colleagues, without physically attend in the university. These classes provide the flexibility to attend lessons from anywhere.
Access to virtual classroom sessions:
Log in to Al Jouf University Blackboard and go to your course.
For more information about logging in, please see the "Accessing Blackboard" guide
From the course menu, click on the “Virtual Classes” icon. A screen will appear containing the available sessions.
After clicking on the session name, a side window will appear. Click on the “Join Session” button to enter the virtual classroom session.
After moving to the virtual classroom session, a Virtual Class interface will appear containing the tools available for you to use during the virtual classroom session, such as:
Share your audio.
Share your video.
Raise hand to ask for permission to speak.
To activate one of the tools, click on the designated icon. The appearance of these tools depends on the permissions available to you through the course instructor.
- To view the session tools, click on the icon
To add comments and view attendee comments, click on the icon
To view the list of attendees in the session, click on the icon
To adjust audio, video and notification settings, click on the icon
Access to recorded virtual sessions:
Students can view previous sessions if a faculty member recorded them.
From the course menu, click on the “Virtual Classes” icon, then click on the menu icon at the top of the screen and choose “Recordings”. All recordings of the virtual class sessions available in your course will appear.