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scientific editing for dental periodicals-College of Dentistry
scientific editing for dental periodicals
DENT 225
Total Content
optional 1
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Course Description
**Course Description:** One of the critical aspects of the scientific process is the recording of new research findings in scientific journals to disseminate this information to the broader dental community. Access to these results contributes to building a field of knowledge within the dental profession and often provides insights that help others interpret their own experimental outcomes. Most journals do not accept research for publication without peer review by a group of experts in the same field, who recommend its publication in the journal. The *Scientific Editing for Dental Journals* course is designed to provide students early on with the fundamental principles necessary for scientific writing, editing, and peer review. It is expected to encourage students to demonstrate maturity in evaluating articles and research, as well as assessing important data that can increase publication opportunities. **Course Outcomes:** By the end of this course, students should be able to: 1. Differentiate between various types of scientific publications. 2. Understand the components of each type of scientific publication (such as title, abstract, introduction). 3. Critically analyze dental journals. 4. Conduct peer reviews of scientific publications. 5. Write a proper reference list in scientific style. 6. Use the EndNote program to search for references. **Teaching Methods:** 1. Instructional lectures. **Student Evaluation:** 1. Continuous assessment. 2. Assignments. **References:** 1. Thomas F. Babor, Kerstin Stenius, Susan Savva, Jean O'Reilly. *Publishing Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed*. Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.; 2nd Ed, 2009. 2. Mahmoud F. Fathalla. *A Practical Guide for Health Researchers*. WHO Regional Publications Eastern Mediterranean Series 30, 2004.