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Rules and Resources of Tafsir-College of Shari'a & Law
Rules and Resources of Tafsir
ICT 608
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Course Description
• Definition of the rules of interpretation, their history, and their works. And the branches therein into: interpretation and the interpreter.. interpretation and exegesis.. interpretation and deduction.. the relationship between interpretation and the sciences of the Qur’an. The difference between the rules of interpretation and the sciences of the Qur’an. Then the definition of the basic sources of interpretation. And their characteristics. It presents to the student the interpretation by the transmitted: • Its merit, types, and ruling, the most famous works. • Interpretation by opinion and ijtihad: its divisions and ruling, the most famous works in it, a statement of the introductions to the works of interpretations, and books of the sciences of the Qur’an. • The qualities of the interpreter and his manners, and the sciences necessary for him, and accompanying them with the methods of interpretation, and knowing the aspects of the interpretation of the Prophet and their interpretation: interpretation by conformity, interpretation by necessity, interpretation by part of the meaning, interpretation by example, interpretation by analogy and consideration, interpretation by allusion. • Definition of the differences of interpreters: its types, its reasons. • The rules of interpretation and preference: their importance, the most famous works in it, mentioning examples of them.