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Rhetoric (1)-College of Arts
Rhetoric (1)
ARB 1141
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Course Description
General description of the course: • This course deals with the origin and development of Arabic rhetoric, its status among the sciences of Arabic, the definition of eloquence and rhetoric, the distinction between the three sciences of rhetoric, the science of semantics: its definition, the relationship between the science of semantics and the science of grammar, the importance of the science of semantics in the Arabic language, the conditions of the news attribution, the news and the composition, the types of news and its purposes, the departure of speech from what is apparent, the mental metaphor: its relationships, the secret of its eloquence. The conditions of the subject, the conditions of the predicate, and the conditions of the verb’s attachments. 5- Prerequisites for this course (if any) None 6- Requirements concurrent with this course (if any) No concurrent requirements 7. Main objective of the course • This course aims to enable the student to understand the speech of rhetoricians, develop the ability to deal with different rhetorical styles, and understand the secrets of Arab speech in prose and poetry, and the differences in the arts of eloquence, and the variation in degrees of rhetoric, and develop rhetorical concepts in the student and improve his rhetorical taste.