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Principles of Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright

Intellectual property rights in e-learning at Jouf University

  • All intellectual property rights produced, made or created by professors or employees at the university during the performance of their job duties are generally considered the property of the university.
  • The educational content available through open sources must be used in accordance with the rules of use regulating publication, with the obligation to mention the source.
  • The educational content subject to the rules of commercial use is subject to the terms of the agreement between the university and the party producing the work.
  • The faculty member is committed to following up and reviewing the regulations of electronic publishing and intellectual property in the process of producing the university's electronic content to ensure that they are observed.
  • The faculty member bears full responsibility in the event that any of the available learning resources, whether open or owned by the university, are used for purposes other than those for which they were designed or produced.
  • The university's academic publishing and intellectual property rights policies apply to all forms of content displayed, whether in synchronous classes or asynchronous educational elements.
  • The university disclaims any individual action by any faculty member that involves any breach of the published and announced intellectual property rules, and the responsible professor bears the consequences of any action that violates these rights.


Electronic publishing rights in e-learning at Jouf University

  • The faculty member assigned to design or formulate any e-learning product specific to the university acknowledges the university's absolute ownership of the product, and the university has the right to reuse or publish the educational product without referring to any party.
  • The faculty members assigned to design or prepare any e-learning product are bound by the university's publishing rules before publishing any educational product through the university's electronic systems.
  • The faculty members are committed to referring to the sources used and the reference documentation in accordance with the international standards used in scientific documentation.
  • The faculty member acknowledges his responsibility for the published content in the event that it is proven to violate the regulations and laws in force in the Kingdom.
  • The faculty member acknowledges that the university is not responsible for any claims from any party resulting from the unauthorized use of any educational product.
  • It is not permissible to publish any of the students' work, such as assignments and research, publicly through the university's electronic systems without obtaining the required approval from the owner of the scientific production.
  • The faculty member is committed to immediately modifying any of the educational content published through the university's electronic systems for e-learning in the event of any new developments related to the copyright of the educational product.
  • The faculty member is committed to obtaining the required approvals from the educational resource production entities if publication requires it.
  • It is prohibited to publish any content that conflicts with the privacy and personal data policies of users.
  • It is prohibited to publish any content that incites sectarian, fanatical or tribal strife or any form of content that violates the laws and regulations in the Kingdom or disturbs social peace and national unity.
  • It is not permissible to publish any content that violates the instructions of the Islamic religion or calls for any actions outside the teachings of religion.

The Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education confirms its commitment to intellectual property rights when adding any scientific material, designs and guides to the Deanship's website.

The Deanship is also keen to adhere to intellectual property rights on all its accounts on social media sites and the systems under its management.
