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PRESENTATION SKILLS - 3-College of Dentistry
DENT 321
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Course Description
Course Outline: In the field of dentistry, knowledge and technical skills are not the only prerequisites for good practice. An ability to communicate effectively, to use active listening, to gather and impart information effectively, and to demonstrate empathy, rapport, ethical awareness is crucial. The aim of this course is improve skill and behavior that help the students to communicate more effectively, present with confidence and enhance personnel impact. In this course, the students gain a comprehensive and proven set of skill that helps them to work effectively with colleagues and develop expertise. Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, student should be able to: 1. Provide opportunities for students to work independently and in team, maintain working relationship with internal organization, and learn how to receive feedback in a positive way. 2. Steer conservation, plan and structure presentation, develop a positive and assertive presentation style, and deliver clear and convincing oral presentation to individuals. 3. Develop leadership personality that maintains discipline and ethical rules in the meeting organization. 4. Develop a more persuasive and impressive speaking style through the use of language creatively to present a more powerful message. 5. Develop a writing skill in a clear, convincing and organized manner. 6. Learn time organization that allows the use of time to meet presentation objective. 7. Learn how to participate in meeting or conferences and what to do ahead of time, how to start meeting, role of clarification in meetings, facilitation, and how to work with difficult attendees topics and deadlines. 8. Handle conflicts, aggression and build a rapport. 9. Learn how to evaluate and judge the scientific article. Educational Methods 1. Seminar 2. Poster session 3. Scientific article. The presentations will be directed toward basic, pre-clinical, and clinical dental sciences. Assessment of Students 1. Continuous assessment 2. Projects: will be in the form of Seminar, poster session and scientific article presentation. References: 1. Dennis C Tanner. An advanced Course in Communication Sciences. 2006 2. Gillam Ronald B, Marquardt Thomas P and Martin Fredrick. Communication Sciences and Disorders. Singular Publishing Group.USA. 2000