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Pharmacological management in dentistry-College of Dentistry
Pharmacological management in dentistry
DENT 327
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Course Description
Course Outline: The purpose of this course is to review selected pharmacologic areas with potential clinical relevance in the practice of dentistry. The application of important pharmacologic concepts to therapeutic prescribing decisions will be discussed. Students will improve their general knowledge concerning the medications that they may prescribe, and those drugs known taken by their patients. Drug specific topics will include mechanism of action, indication, dosing, drug interactions and prescribing concerns for dental patients. This course will also provide updates on analgesic and antibiotic selection and therapy, Over the Counter (OTC) drugs and their implications in dental practice,, pain and anxiety control and last trends in pharmacologic research. Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, student should be able to: 1. Discuss the principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenomics. 2. Know the three approaches to controlling aphthous ulcers, including prevention, palliative treatment, and pharmacologically reversing the lesions. 3. Learn the range of products and treatments for patients with dry mouth. 4. Learn about the range of “alternative” or “natural” oral health care products available to treat oral disease. 5. Learn about OTC pain medication and its ability to be used prophylactically to prevent pain before it starts. 6. Learn to match the right drug at the right dose to the right patient and the right procedure. 7. Describe the potential for drug-drug interactions and articulate strategies to avoid or manage them. 8. Recognize reputable databases and references and how to utilize these tools to evaluate drug therapies and interactions. 9. Describe the mechanism of action of popular pain medications and understand why some drugs work and some don’t for postoperative dental pain. 10. Understand the principles of appropriate antibiotic prescribing. 11. Learn about the most recent research in Pharmacology and Dental Pharmacology. 12. Describe the medications used for safe and effective minimal and moderate sedation using oral and inhalational techniques. 13. Understand the range of compounds available in single-purpose and multi-purpose toothpastes. 14. Decide which mechanical or electric toothbrush designs would be best for which type of patient. Educational Methods: 1. Lectures Assessment of Students: 1. Continuous assessment. 2. Assignments References: 1. J. A. YAGIELA, E. A. NEIDLE. Pharmacolgy and Therapeutics for Dentistry. 2004. MOSBY (London). 5th Edition. 2. Gage & Picket, Dental Drug Reference, 2001. MOSBY (Tenessee). 6th Edition.