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The concept of pioneering scientific research, before it is a product of culture and knowledge, is an outstanding cultural achievement.


The concept of pioneering scientific research, before it is a product of culture and knowledge, is an outstanding cultural achievement. As it is truly a mirror that reflects the interest of nations and peoples with science and knowledge and the prospect of future prospects according to the scientific and technical perspective. It also reflects the tendency of nations and peoples to preserve their heritage and knowledge and civilization achievements, which is the link between the needs and requirements of the nation and the energies of their scientists and their efforts. Hence the urgent need for interest in scientific research and graduate studies, especially in young universities such as Jouf University. And the scientific research of the tasks of a massive duty to work hard, which will form a walk of God a qualitative leap to the University of Jouf, the Vice Rector was keen to make this website rich in information and data needed by students, researchers and faculty, Communicate with all segments of dealers with the Vice Rector of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research .

Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
