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Defining the training needs of faculty members and staff, and design professional development programs for them.

  • Defining the training needs of faculty members and staff, and design professional development programs for them.
  • Transferring good experiences and best practices in various fields of training and development for faculty members, managers, staff, students, and harmonize their application and utilization at the university.
  • Preparing special training packages for the development and improvement of the skills and abilities of the faculty members, administrators and students, according to priorities.
  • Preparing, organizing internal and external training courses and workshops.
  • Suggesting various methods to improve students' skills and abilities to learn.
  • Cooperating with the corresponding centers in the universities locally and internationally to exchange experiences.
  • Preparing and developing trainers from within the university.
  • Evaluation of the training programs offered by the Center and measuring the impact of the results of the training programs on the actual work.
  • Providing specialized training rooms that are equipped with the latest training techniques.
  • Proposing the development of test systems and ways of evaluating students for continuous improvement.
  • Training on the use of modern teaching tools and techniques.
  • Proposing plans and policies, and providing consultations that contribute to the development of performance for all areas of university work.
  • Conducting research studies that contribute to the improvement of academic performance.
  • Proposing the application of modern administrative methods in all sectors of the university to improve the quality of performance.
  • Proposing the development of programs and curricula on the basis of modern scientific, and developing plans and strategies for teaching.