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Message from the Head of the Department

Mathematics holds paramount importance, as it is considered one of the foundational and oldest sciences throughout history. It has contributed, and continues to contribute, effectively to technological advancements

Message from the Head of the Department

On behalf of myself and the members of the Mathematics Department, I am pleased to welcome you to our department’s website.

The Mathematics Department is one of the oldest departments at Al-Jouf University. It was established in 1423 AH as one of the four founding departments of the College of Science, which was initially affiliated with King Saud University. Over the years, the department has continuously fulfilled the missions, visions, and goals of the college and university, striving to achieve quality and academic accreditation. Guided by Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, the department works on updating its courses and introducing new programs to align with global academic and scientific advancements, aiming to become a leader in research and education.

This website aims to introduce the Mathematics Department, including its academic plans, courses, scientific research, and activities.

Mathematics holds great importance as one of the foundational and oldest sciences, playing a crucial role in technological and technical advancements worldwide. The department offers a Bachelor’s degree program in Mathematics and recently launched a Master of Science in Mathematics program, which includes two tracks: Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

The Mathematics Department provides courses in pure and applied mathematics, as well as statistics courses, for various programs across the college and university. The department boasts a distinguished group of faculty members who significantly contribute to the department’s excellence in both its academic programs and research, ensuring the effectiveness and quality that meet the aspirations of educational and research endeavors.

Finally, we welcome any feedback or suggestions that may help improve and develop this website.



Dr. Salman Saud Al-Saeed
Head of the Mathematics Department
