maxillofacial surgery & rehabilitation
DENT 416
Total Content
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Course Description
Course Outline:
This course is a didactic course, designed to introduce the students to the science of multidisciplinary Maxillo-facial dentistry. It provide a basic theory background, to assist the development of skills in diagnosis, treatment planning, active surgical care and postoperative management. It is also dedicated to prosthetic correction and management of maxillofacial defects acquired from the surgical ablation of cancer, traumatic injuries or congenital birth defects and alterations in growth and development.
It focuses on the prosthodontic rehabilitation of patients with loss and compromise of facial anatomy, i.e., ocular, orbital, nasal, auricular, combined intraoral/extraoral and other related facial deformities.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this course, student should be able to:
1. Understand what maxillofacial team.
2. Reach a reliable diagnosis.
3. Select cases for treatment.
4. Determine the urgency for treatment.
5. Determine who has the skills to perform the treatment.
6. Advice the patient on options, success rates, & complications.
7. Recognize Classification of congenital and acquired maxillofacial defects.
8. Know different modalities of surgical interventions
9. Know different modalities of maxillofacial prosthetic rehabilitation.
10. Identify materials used in maxillofacial prosthetics.
11. Recognize radiation therapy.
Educational Methods:
1. Lectures
2. PBL
3. Laboratory sessions.
Assessment of Students:
1. Continuous assessment.
2. Final examination.
Update references to –
1. Malik, N. A. (2012). Textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
2. Laskin, d. M. (2009). Oral and maxillofacial surgery. Delhi, india: a.i.t.b.s. pub
3. Hupp, j. (2019). Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. S.l.: mosby
4. In Bagheri, S. C. (2014). Clinical review of oral and maxillofacial surgery: A case-based approach