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dental clinical practice - 1-College of Dentistry
dental clinical practice - 1
DENT 341
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Course Description
Course Outline: The course involves dental clinics for operative, periodontics, endodontics, and, fixed and removable prosthesis and primary care. In this course, students should restore and treat cases for both first three specialties and in the same time dealing with the patients when they come to the clinic asking for primary care treatment. The student in this course is allowed to treat any carious lesions including anterior and posterior teeth. Regarding periodontics, the student is allowed to do scaling and root planning, and some advanced types of treatments. The course deals with the basic principles of complete denture fabrication as well as the diagnosis and treatment of a completely edentulous patient. Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, student should be able to: 1. Apply treatment plane and diagnosis. 2. Apply mechanical and biological principles in restoring teeth to improve the tooth function as well as improving occlusion of the teeth. 3. Know the basic principles in treatment for restoring teeth by different restorative techniques and materials. 4. Know the relationship between clinical procedures and what he learned on simulator. 5. Restoring teeth to improve the tooth function as well as improving occlusion of the teeth. 6. Perform the treatment planning for periodontal cases and get the skill of scaling the teeth as well as roots planning. 7. Discuss the follow up and maintenance of the filling and oral hygiene. 8. Describe and perform the clinical steps required to fabricate a complete denture. Educational Methods: 1. Clinical application under supervision of the dental staff. Assessment of Students: 1. Continuous assessment. 2. Comprehensive clinical examinations including OSCE. References: 1. Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry; Theodore M, Harald O, Edward J; 2012. 2. Summit’s Fundamental of Operative Dentistry, A Contemporary Approach; James B Summit; 2013. 3. Essential of Dental Caries; Edwin Kidd; 2016. 4. Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology;13th Edition; Michael Newman Henry Takei Perry Klokkevold, Fermin Carranza; 2018 5. Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance (At a Glance (Dentistry)1st Edition; James Field;2016. 6. Pickard Guide to Minimal Invasive Operative Dentistry; Avijit Banaerjee; 2015. 7. Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials, Anusavice-11th edition, Saunders, Elsevier Science 2003. 8. J.D. Strahan and I. M. Waite: A color atlas of Periodontology, 3rd edition, 2000. 9. Armitage, GC: Development of a classification system for periodontal diseases and condition. 1999. 10. Hassaballa M.A, Talic Y.A. principles of complete denture prosthodontics. KSU, 2004. 11. Zarb G.A, Bolender C.L, Carlsson G.E. Boucher's prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients. CV mosby co., St. Louis 2004, eleventh edition. 12. Sumiya Hobo, Lowell D. Whitsett , Richard Jacobi, Susan E. Brackett, and Herbert T. Shillingburg: Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics. Quintessence Publishing (IL); 3rd edition, 2006.