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Committees of the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qurayyat

Committees of the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qurayyat

1- Define the college's strategic plan and publish its objectives.
2- Evaluation and follow-up of the implementation of the college's executive plan projects.
3- Supervise the college's development plans.
4- Carry out the tasks assigned to it by the Dean of the College.
5- Submit recommendations to the Dean of the College periodically from the date of the committee's commencement of work.

1- Considering the excuses submitted by male and female students who are absent from studies and semester and final exams according to the controls for accepting excuses. 2- Considering all topics submitted to the committee by the Dean of the College.

1- Study and discuss the files of applicants from Saudi citizens who wish to join the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qurayyat as a teaching assistant, lecturer, or assistant professor.
2- Study and discuss the topics of faculty members and those in their position at the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qurayyat, related to attending scientific conferences, promotion requests, and excellence allowances, in accordance with the university's regulations and controls.
3- Study and discuss the requests of non-Saudi faculty members who wish to contract to work at the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qurayyat.
4- Submit recommendations to the department councils or the college council to take what they deem appropriate, in order to facilitate the completion of the submitted requests.
5- Verify the requests of members regarding obtaining approval to present research to the Standing Committee for Scientific Research Ethics.
6- Carry out the tasks assigned to it by the Dean of the College.

1- Studying cases and violations of students.
2- Verifying violations committed by students and recommending appropriate punishment in case of proven violation, in accordance with the regulations.
3- Submitting recommendations to the Dean of the College for approval and submission to the Permanent Committee for Behavioral Discipline.
4- Coordinating with the sub-committee of the female students’ section in order to unify the procedures followed.
5- Carrying out the tasks assigned to it by the Dean of the College.

1- Media documentation and coverage of all events and occasions offered by the college.
2- Effective communication with the Public Relations and University Media Department at the university.
3- Media support for departments and committees at the college in implementing events and activities by preparing various types of media.
4- Good preparation to receive guests and visitors to the college and inform them of its facilities.
5- Arrangements for celebrations, festivals and exhibitions in which the college participates.
6- Carry out the tasks assigned to it by Her Excellency the Dean of the College.
7- Submit recommendations to Her Excellency the Dean of the College periodically from the date of the start of the committee's work.

1- Follow up the progress of the educational process in the college by conducting inspection tours of the halls, laboratories and offices of faculty members for guidance and office hours.

2- Prepare the follow-up mechanism and necessary forms. The committee may seek the assistance of whomever it deems appropriate to manage the work of the committee.

3- Submit weekly reports on the follow-up of the educational process.

4- List and monitor the negative aspects and problems that disrupt the educational process and submit them to Her Excellency the Dean of the College.

5- Carry out the tasks assigned to her by Her Excellency the Dean of the College.

1- Motivating students to participate and providing them with the necessary support.

2- Holding a workshop and a forum to introduce students to the scientific conference as well as developing the research skills of the participants.

3- Urging the scientific departments to participate and supervising the participations.

4- Announcing the conference activities and conditions and providing the committees with all new developments.

5- Receiving students and responding to their inquiries.

6- Receiving a copy of the electronic registration form and verifying the accuracy of the data (providing assistance for electronic registration).

7- Receiving a copy of the electronic participation decision and verifying the accuracy of the data.

8- Receiving student participations and directing the participations of the relevant departments in the college to the scientific committee in the departments.

9- Directing the request for participation outside the college's specializations to the Dean to submit it to the competent authority at the university.

10- Studying the difficulties facing the work of the committee and submitting them to the Dean to take the necessary measures to overcome them.

1- Study the proposed mechanism for implementing the activities and seminars held by the college and submit proposals to the Dean of the College.

2- Submit activities and initiatives presented by students and faculty members related to student activities to the Dean of the College and then to the Deanship of Student Affairs for approval and then to carry out the required activity.

3- Submit activities and initiatives presented by students and faculty members related to community service to the Dean of the College and then to the Deanship of Community Service for approval and then to carry out the required activity.

4- Coordination and follow-up with the Academic Affairs at the College.

5- Participation in the closing ceremony of activities held at the end of the academic year.

6- Performing the tasks assigned to it by the Dean of the College.

7- Submitting recommendations to the Dean of the College periodically from the date the committee begins its work.

1- Supervising the implementation of the plan to develop and update courses and programs by following up on the implementation of recommendations and providing the necessary advice for this.
2- Spreading awareness about the importance of developing curricula among faculty members and students participating in the closing ceremony of activities held at the end of the academic year.
3- Studying proposals related to developing courses and academic programs.
4- Creating new academic programs or developing existing academic programs in accordance with the approved guide for preparing and developing academic plans and programs.
5- Carrying out the tasks assigned to it by Her Excellency the Dean of the College.
6- Submitting recommendations to Her Excellency the Dean of the College periodically from the date of the start of the committee's work.
