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College Committees

College Committees
1- Preparing the college's strategic plan.
2- Achieving the highest levels of planning structure in future policy, program and project strategies.
3- Supporting development, evaluation and follow-up processes periodically.
4- Enabling the vision, mission and objectives of the strategic plan within the college.
5- Working to spread the culture of strategic planning within the university community 
6- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the college's quality unit.
1- Develop the operational plan for the program, follow up on its implementation, and write periodic reports on the rate of achievement of the goals and plan indicators.
2- Prepare the main performance indicators for the program and the related improvement plans and approve them by the College Council.
3- Review the annual plans of the departments, units, and committees before submitting them for approval to the College Council.
4- Supervise and coordinate with the committees, units, and departments of the college in managing the program.
5- Participate in preparing the annual report for the program in cooperation with the Quality Unit at the college.
6- Respond to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the Quality Unit at the college.
1- Prepare the scientific research plan in the college based on the proposals of the departments and committees and follow up on the implementation of this plan to address the health problems of society.
2- Prepare a database for researchers and published research and supervise student research and scientific research agreements.
3- Supervising the affairs of scientific activity in the college and collecting scientific research for the various departments, publishing and distributing it to the relevant bodies and exchanging it with scientific bodies.
4- Studying and discussing research topics and ensuring that they are in line with the general research plan of the college and that scientific research contributes to human and cognitive development.
5- Participating in organizing conferences and scientific activities.
6- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the college's Quality Unit.
1- Supervising the college's website on social media.
2- Providing updates and coverage of the college's activities.
3- Coordinating with scientific departments and college units to publish news of activities and events in the college.
4- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the college's Quality Unit.
1- Paying attention to the educational process by providing scientific activities aimed at raising scientific development in the college's departments.
2- Developing teaching capabilities and developing the theoretical and practical teaching performance of faculty members.
3- Ensure that faculty members acquire scientific information.
4- Continuous interaction with the College Curriculum Committee towards scientific evaluation and analysis and drawing conclusions.
5- Implement a specific and programmed vision aimed at providing support and advice in the field of continuing medical education for faculty members.
6- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.
1- Follow up on the implementation of agreements policies and strategies within the college.
2- Study and nominate various parties to conclude cooperation agreements with them in the fields of education, research and community service.
3- Submit a quarterly report on the effectiveness of agreements concluded with external parties and the extent to which academic programs benefit from these agreements.
4- Communicate and coordinate with the committees concerned with agreements and international cooperation at the university.
5- Respond to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the Quality Unit at the college.
1- Study the college's needs for laboratories, equipment and the necessary materials.
2- Work on equipping the laboratories in a manner that suits their purpose and provides all requirements.
3- Prepare offers and specifications for devices and laboratory units.
4- Ensure that there is periodic maintenance of laboratories and replacement of damaged ones, especially at the end of each semester.
5- Prepare an inventory of the learning resources available at the college and university and the services provided.
6- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.
1- Supervising the honoring ceremony for the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery program obtaining full accreditation from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission
2- Preparing for the honoring ceremony in which awards are distributed in coordination with the College administration.
3- Cooperating with various entities within the University to perform the committee's tasks.
4- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.
1- Working to ensure the regularity of the study process.
2- Communicating with department coordinators to prepare study schedules, collecting data and information on the number of students registered for each course, and identifying deprived students.
3- Entering study schedules into the academic system.
4- Following up on faculty members' study schedules and their compliance with the College's time plan, and identifying the amendments that have been made.
5- Participating in implementing development plans in the Educational Affairs Sector to achieve the College's vision and mission.
6- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.
1- Seeking to develop and periodically update the curricula in the departments in line with scientific development and labor market requirements.
2- Follow up on the implementation of the curricula after their approval and set the necessary standards and models to ensure the implementation of the curricula, curriculum components and their outcomes.
3- Establish rules, foundations and standards for developing programs and curricula.
4- Determine the needs and requirements of the plan in terms of laboratories, equipment and human resources.
5- Supervise the process of updating and developing the plans in accordance with the educational plan.
6- Respond to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the Quality Unit at the college.
1- Collecting data and preparing accurate and detailed statistics on the activities of the college and the various departments.
2- Building an integrated database of information in the college and its units.
3- Preparing statistical reports on the results of the curricula for each semester.
4- Contributing to the analysis of the academic evaluation questionnaire for each semester.
5- Preparing students for the labor market and developing their ability to interact and communicate with others through participation in the field training program.
6- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the Quality Unit at the College.
1- Support and organize cultural, social and sports activities in the College of Medicine.
2- Organizing field visits by students to some companies, hospitals and medical centers.
3- Developing a student activities plan for each academic year and approving it by the Deanship Council before the start of the study.
4- Preparing, organizing and implementing the approved student activities plan during each academic year.
5- Holding seminars, lectures and dialogues periodically, whether with the participation of external parties or faculty members.
6- Preparing a detailed report on each student activity in the committee and submitting it to the Dean and the Publications and Public Relations Unit at the Deanship after its approval.
7- Holding training courses for students in the fields of activities with the aim of providing the necessary knowledge and experience to students in cooperation with specialized parties from inside and outside the university.
8- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.
1- Contributing to providing a safe educational environment.
2- Developing a mechanism and models for student excuses, and receiving excuses from students and expressing an opinion on acceptance or rejection.
3- Informing students of the guidelines and instructions for student excuse rules.
4- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College Quality Unit.
1- Developing a mechanism and models for academic and non-academic complaints and student grievances and activating them.
2- Informing students of the guidelines and instructions for behavior and order and the importance of adhering to them.
3- Reducing the spread of behavioral problems that students and faculty members are exposed to in the college.
4- Considering violations committed by some male and female students, and controlling the behavior of students who violate the regulations.
5- Approving disciplinary sanctions on violating students according to the rules and regulations in force at the university.
6- Responding to all programmatic and institutional accreditation requirements in cooperation with the College’s Quality Unit.