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The Code of Ethics for Male and Female Students of Jouf University
This code was approved in the University Council's seventh meeting on Tuesday, dated: 19/10/1444.


  1. Who is this code for?
  2. Goals of the code
  3. Terms used in the code
  4. Rights and duties of university students
    (1) Rights of university students
    Academic field
    • Non-academic field
    (b) Duties of university students
    • Academic field
    • Non-academic field

Who is this code for?
This code is directed to all male and female students enrolled at Jouf University, as well as all university affiliates who have direct contact with students.

Objectives of the code

  1. To inform students about their rights and academic duties.
  2. To familiarize faculty members, university staff, and anyone interacting with students within the university with the students' rights and duties.

Terms used in the code

  1. The code is a document that clarifies to the student the rights and duties outlined in the university's regulations, decisions, or instructions to facilitate university life and success.
  2. University affiliates include faculty members, all staff and employees, and students enrolled in the university.
  3. Academic field: This refers to the educational process, which includes the student's interaction with the courses and faculty members, and others in similar roles.
  4. Non-academic field: This refers to the administrative and organizational process, including the student's interaction with staff and employees at the university, and the activities and services provided to them.
  5. Orientation day: A day designated by the university to raise student awareness about their rights, duties, prohibitions, university regulations, and available academic and non-academic resources that help them complete their studies successfully.
  6. Student advisory committees: Committees formed by the Deanship of Student Affairs or colleges, operating under its supervision, aimed at identifying problems and obstacles students face in their academic journey and finding appropriate solutions while considering student suggestions.
  7. Belonging: Refers to the student's pride and honor for the university, which is instilled in them from enrollment until graduation and continues throughout their life.
  8. Citizenship: Involves moral and social obligations from the student towards the community, the nation, and the leadership, may God protect them.
  9. Sensory and psychological security: Refers to a state where the student feels peace and stability, free from physical and moral threats they may encounter within the university.
  10. Student rights: These are the rights guaranteed by the university's regulations in both the academic and non-academic fields, aimed at providing a supportive educational and developmental environment, ensuring a stable academic life, and fostering self-confidence, courage, and noble ethics in students.
  11. Student duties: These are the academic and non-academic responsibilities the student must adhere to towards the university, aimed at enhancing the quality of academic work, fostering a sense of belonging and citizenship, and strengthening the relationship between students and faculty members, as well as other university sectors.

Fourth: Rights and Duties of University Students

(A) Rights of University Students:

1. Academic Field:

 1/1 - The right for students to enroll in the college or academic department of their choice, according to the university's admission and registration regulations and requirements, which are announced publicly.

2/1 - The right to receive the university ID card and benefit from the services provided by the university in accordance with the regulations, decisions, and practices in this regard.

3/1 - The right to have an appropriate academic environment and conditions that facilitate high-quality learning, aligned with the university's vision and mission.

4/1 - The right to understand the plans and procedures for course registration, as well as the registration rules followed by the university system.

5/1 - The right to request academic movements such as course add/drop, according to their regulatory requirements and the academic calendar set by the university.

6/1 - The right to transfer between colleges or departments within the university or change the study system to distance learning, according to university regulations and available options.

7/1 - The right to receive academic material and knowledge associated with the courses in a conducive learning environment that promotes comprehension and ease of learning.

8/1 - The right to question faculty members and engage in appropriate academic discussions within the university.

9/1 - The obligation to adhere to class schedules, exam times, office hours, and the requirement to complete academic and practical hours, with the exception of necessary cancellations communicated in advance with alternative lectures.

10/1 - The right to confidentiality for complaints submitted by the student against faculty members.

 11/1 - The right for exam questions to be based on the syllabus and course content, with the right to know results and request a review of the final exam answers in accordance with university regulations.

12/1 - The right to view grades for the course and any midterm or final exam results once graded.

 13/1 - The right to access the model answers for final exam questions after the exams are completed.

14/1 - The obligation to maintain confidentiality regarding the contents of the student's academic file.

15/1 - The obligation to notify students prior to any decisions made regarding them, draw their attention to any violations, and inform them in writing of any decisions made with the right to appeal against any decisions that conflict with their academic interests in accordance with university regulations.

16/1 - The right to be informed about any warnings, or removal from the final exam, including the reason for the removal, well in advance of the exam date.

17/1 - The right to express opinions and discuss educational matters related to the student, as long as it is done in an appropriate manner and in accordance with university regulations.

18/1 - The right to be aware of where to access university rules and regulations through the university’s website, the admission and registration deanship, the student affairs deanship, and others.

 19/1 - The right to receive guidance and counseling, including printed materials about university rules, regulations, and the college or department the student is enrolled in, along with study plans and other student services.

20/1 - The right to receive a graduation certificate upon fulfilling graduation requirements, in accordance with the university's regulations within the designated period for issuing the document.

21/1 - The right to maintain communication with faculty members through various channels like email or office hours.

22/1 - The right to feel physical and psychological security within the university, free from any physical or psychological threats.

2. Non-Academic Field:

1/2 - The right to benefit from university services and facilities, such as housing (if available), the central library, consultation centers for psychological and social support, sports facilities, student activities, educational events, cafeterias, parking, etc., according to university regulations and available resources.

 2/2 - The right to receive adequate healthcare services, including examinations and treatment in available medical facilities.

3/2 - The right to receive social support provided by the


4/2 - The right to participate in activities held within the university according to its rules.

 5/2 - The right to evaluate student services through surveys provided to the student.

6/2 - The right to elect student representatives for participation in student advisory committees, upon the college's request.

7/2 - The right to receive incentives and additional financial rewards if the student excels academically.

8/2 - The right to receive financial aid or loans after assessing the student's financial condition and confirming their need, according to university regulations.

9/2 - The opportunity to attend training courses, programs, trips, and volunteer activities that do not conflict with academic duties.

10/2 - The provision of appropriate support, assistance, and services to students with special needs, according to the university's capabilities.

 11/2 - The right to access academic regulations, including student conduct and discipline rules, university study and examination rules, or the unified graduate studies regulations, upon request.

(B) Duties of University Students

1. Academic Field:

 1/1 - The duty to comply with university regulations, rules, instructions, and decisions issued to implement them.

 2/1 - The duty not to engage in any actions contrary to Islamic morals and public decency.

3/1 - The duty not to forge or misuse university records, including official documents and certificates.

4/1 - The duty to attend classes and fulfill all academic requirements for courses.

5/1 - The duty to adhere to research, report, or exam preparation rules.

6/1 - The duty not to cheat or assist in cheating, or disrupt the exam system.

7/1 - The duty not to disturb lectures, including talking, shouting, or entering and leaving classrooms without permission from the faculty member.

8/1 - The duty to treat all university staff and guests with respect and not to insult them verbally or physically.

9/1 - The duty not to attend classes for courses not enrolled in unless authorized by the course instructor.

10/1 - The duty to ensure no errors in the academic schedule, such as conflicting class timings, or registration in a previously passed course.

11/1 - The duty to follow instructions given by the exam proctor or laboratory supervisor and maintain silence during exams.

12/1 - The duty to comply with any penalties imposed for violating university regulations.

13/1 - The duty to evaluate faculty members according to prepared models with integrity.

2. Non-Academic Field:

1/2 - The duty to carry the university ID card while on campus and present it when requested by authorized personnel.

2/2 - The duty to maintain cleanliness on campus.

3/2 - The duty to not damage or interfere with university property and to return borrowed materials on time.

4/2 - The duty to maintain silence and avoid creating noise in university facilities.

5/2 - The duty to refrain from creating disturbances, gathering in non-designated areas, or being present in classrooms, corridors, or the cafeteria during prayer times.

6/2 - The duty not to engage in any destructive activities, endangering lives or property, affecting discipline, or disrupting university operations, such as organizing marches, inciting, assisting, or participating in illegal acts, or possessing or using weapons or dangerous items.

7/2 - The duty not to misuse university property for unauthorized purposes.

8/2 - The duty not to exploit university internet networks or social media for non-academic purposes, accessing prohibited or inappropriate websites.

9/2 - The duty to uphold good conduct and appearance that is in line with Islamic and university norms, avoiding inappropriate behaviors.

10/2 - The duty to pay any fees for student services or fines.

11/2 - The duty to avoid consuming food or drinks in areas not designated for them, such as classrooms, laboratories, or libraries.

12/2 - The duty not to store, make, possess, consume, or use alcohol, intoxicants, or drugs.

13/2 - The duty to refrain from using tobacco or smoking on campus or any university-affiliated locations.

14/2 - The duty to ensure that their official university email account is active, read it regularly, and update their contact details as necessary.

15/2 - The duty to monitor official university announcements posted on notice boards.

16/2 - The duty to provide accurate information to university authorities.

17/2 - The duty not to assign university staff to tasks without proper authorization.

18/2 - The duty to stay in touch with the university after graduation via the alumni portal.
