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Metatag Title
Basic English Grammar 1-College of Arts
Basic English Grammar 1
ENGL 111
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Course Description
A. General information about the course: 1. Course Identification 1. Credit hours: (3) 2. Course type A. ☐ University ☐ College ☒ Department ☐ Track ☐ Others B. ☒ Required ☐ Elective 3. Level/year at which this course is offered: (1) 4. Course general Description: This course is aimed at developing the knowledge of basic English grammar. It introduces students to grammar topics such as tenses – present, past and future, regular and irregular verbs, active and passive voice, modals and imperatives, auxiliary verbs, questions and reported speech. The course offers students opportunities to work together in carrying out various grammar tasks and exercises so as to enable them to utilize the knowledge of grammar to enhance their spoken and written communication. 5. Pre-requirements for this course (if any): NA 6. Co-requisites for this course (if any): NA 7. Course Main Objective(s): This course is aimed at: -Developing the basic knowledge of English grammar. -Training students to learn a variety of grammar topics such as tenses, voice, and reported speech with appropriate explanations and activities. - Students acquiring the ability to use the language accurately. - Enabling students to interact with their peers, teachers and other users of English in varied academic and day-today life settings.