Assignment Guide
What is an assignment :
It is an assessment that added to students to write an essay on a specific topic. Students write the response directly on the system or upload a file containing the written essay, and then the instructor evaluates the work and provides comments and grades.
Steps to create an assignment:
From the course menu, click on Assignments, from Assessments, click on the Assignment.
Enter Name of the assignment and add instructions in the area provided.
Attach assignment files by selecting Browse Local Files. When you click on it, a window will appear you can select the assignment file from your computer.
Select a due date: This is the last date for submitting the assignment. Any assignment submitted after this date will appear in the grades center as late.
Add the assignment grade in the possible point's box.
Click on the Submission details and select between the following options:
Assignment type: This determines whether the assignment is an individual assignment or a group assignment.
Number of attempts: choose the number of attempts in which students allowed to submit the assignment.
Plagiarism Tools (Save Assign): Tool used to check the submitted files with the database for academic plagiarism.
Check submission for plagiarism using safe Assign: To activate the verification of the submitted files for the assignment.
Allow students to view safe assign originality report for their attempts: displays the examination report for the file sent to the student with the examination result.
- Click Make the Assignment Available and then select the following options:
Display After: Specifies the time and date when the assignment will be available in the system.
Display Until: Specifies the time and date when the assignment will end in the system for students.
- Click Submit to add assignment.