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Academic Integrity

The university is based on the values ​​of integrity and scientific and intellectual honesty in all areas related to the educational process at the university, and it is a shared responsibility for all those affiliated with the educational process from administrations, professors and students, as it is one of the aspects of the good behavior adopted by the state, may God bless it, and an extension of the sound approach followed by the government.

In no case is it permitted to do any act that involves any acts of fraud, cheating, scientific and academic theft, or violation of copyright and intellectual property rights, including, for example, the following:

  • Impersonation when accessing any of the university's systems.
  • Quoting from any of the open scientific sources and presenting them in the name of oneself or others in order to obtain any privileges or benefit.
  • Quoting or cheating in academic or scientific works.
  • Cheating in classroom or electronic tests or assignments and required semester work.
  • Academic plagiarism by obtaining the work of others and attributing it to oneself.
  • Submitting any academic or classroom work such as an activity or assignment on behalf of others for a fee or without.
  • Fabricating supporting information (surveys, satisfaction rates, etc.) or any information used in academic work.
  • Electronic fraud and fabrication to show the completion of a task to evade responsibility.
  • Getting assistance in unauthorized activities such as exams, academic activities, etc.
  • Attempting to obtain other people's login data for any of the university's systems

The university administration has made sure to educate students about the issue of academic integrity and plagiarism through a session between students and a faculty member in which he explains the harms and disadvantages of cheating and plagiarism and how to use the resources available on the Internet in the correct way.

One of the distinctive things in the e-learning system applied at Jouf University is providing a set of tools aimed at providing the greatest degree of academic integrity, such as:

Save Assign Secure Submission Tool:

As soon as the student uploads any file, it is reviewed by the tool and the parts quoted in this file are identified in addition to determining the percentage quoted from the total file. It also enables the faculty member to identify the site from which the text was quoted and provide a link to go to those sites.

Safe Browsing:

Blackboard provides the ability to activate safe browsing while taking tests, but this must be done on specific browsers.

Once the test starts, the student cannot open any additional page other than the test page, and some keyboard functions can be disabled, such as printing the screen containing the test.

Jouf University has made sure that the student's document for academic integrity is available to students on the website. Every student has the right to be aware of the academic integrity policy, which aims to provide students with clear standards of behavior.
