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Detection and Diagnosis of ECH Signal Wearable System for Sportsperson using Improved Monkey-based Search Support Vector Machine

Author name : zzaman kamr M M
Publication Date : 2025-03-16
Journal Name : International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems


In the recent past, numerous frameworks have been designed to take decision support from samples for analyzing ECG signal data classification with wearable devices to prevent health risks in sports. As various frameworks permit a distinctive set of results, assessing the framework’s classification control in examination with other order frameworks or in correlation with human specialists is hard. The order precision is generally utilized as a measure of classification execution in this research. A novel hybrid Improved Monkey-based search (IMS) and support vector machine (SVM) technique have been designed and developed in this research for the health risk identification in ECGs. It incorporates handling of noise, extraction of signals, rule-based beat classification, and sliding window arrangement using a wearable device for the sportsperson. It can be executed continuously and can give clarifications to the analytic choices, and maximum scores have been acquired in terms of sensitivity and specificity (98.1% and 98.5% correspondingly using collective accuracy gross information, and 98.8% using aggregate average statistics, which has been shown in this research. Finally, experimental analysis has exposed that the hybrid Improved Monkey-based search (IMS) and support vector machine (SVM) technique achieve high precision (99.01%) in analyses of the heart rate for the sportsperson.


ECG, health risk, IMS, SVM, BDDHMM, classification

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