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Investigation of structural and optical properties of ions-bearing borate glass through barium ions addition

Publication Date : 2024-12-20
Journal Name : Ceramics International


Nickel-bearing borate glass is regarded as a smart source for miniaturized optical applications. However, their way of tailoring the practical applications needs more specific investigations. Here, we report structural and optical investigation of BCaNi glass prepared by melting at high temperature and quick quenching. The glass density, infrared spectra, optical spectra, ligand field and non-linear optical properties of these perceived glasses were reported. Through these investigations, the impactive role of barium oxide was prospected. The glass density was increased by 11% and bond density was enhanced by 24% due to barium oxide addition. Further, infrared spectra revealed the internal glass structure, besides the evolution of structural changes. With barium oxide addition, there is a conversion from into units, accompanied by observed deterioration in non-bridging oxygens, reflecting the polymerization of glass network. Moreover, the optical spectra of glass present the nickel transitions within visible and near infrared bands, which promise better performance of glass in visible and near infrared bands. Using the decomposition method, these optical transitions were detached into eight transitions of ions in octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. From these transitions, the ligand field strength (10Dq) was found to mitigate from 7905 to 7485 , while the Racah B and C parameters were increased from (803-843 ) and (3633-3722 ), respectively. These behaviors explain the high localization of electrons within d-orbitals of ions owing to barium oxide addition. In addition, the nephelauxetic parameters confirmed the increased ionic nature of bonding between ions and their ligands. Furthermore, the resulting red shift of glass absorption edges affords mitigated Tauc band gaps from 3.41 eV to 3.21 eV. The addition of barium oxide enhanced the glass refractive index from 1.50 to 1.54. Therefore, the overall optical non-linear properties of these glasses are enhanced. The current work affords a decent paradigm for establishing high quality and performance barium borate glass activated by nickel ions.

Nickel-bearing borate glass is regarded as a smart source for miniaturized optical applications. However, their
way of tailoring the practical applications needs more specific investigations. Here, we report structural and optical investigation of BCaNi glass prepared by melting at high temperature and quick quenching. The glass density,
infrared spectra, optical spectra, ligand field and non-linear optical properties of these perceived glasses were reported. Through these investigations, the impactive role of barium oxide was prospected. The glass density was
increased by 11 % and bond density was enhanced by 24 % due to barium oxide addition. Further, infrared spectra revealed the internal glass structure, besides the evolution of structural changes. With barium oxide addition,
there is a conversion from into units, accompanied by observed deterioration in non-bridging oxygens,
reflecting the polymerization of glass network. Moreover, the optical spectra of glass present the nickel transitions within visible and near infrared bands, which promise better performance of glass in visible and near infrared bands. Using the decomposition method, these optical transitions were detached into eight transitions of
ions in octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. From these transitions, the ligand field strength (10Dq) was
found to mitigate from 7905 to 7485 , while the Racah B and C parameters were increased from (803–843
) and (3633–3722 ), respectively. These behaviors explain the high localization of electrons within dorbitals of ions owing to barium oxide addition. In addition, the nephelauxetic parameters confirmed the increased ionic nature of bonding between ions and their ligands. Furthermore, the resulting red shift of glass
absorption edges affords mitigated Tauc band gaps from 3.41 eV to 3.21 eV. The addition of barium oxide enhanced the glass refractive index from 1.50 to 1.54. Therefore, the overall optical non-linear properties of these
glasses are enhanced. The current work affords a decent paradigm for establishing high quality and performance


Nickel ions ,Borate strucural Optical properties,he glass density, infrared spectra, optical spectra

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