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Effects of combined manual postural correction technique in patient with upper cross syndrome

Author name : SHAKEEL . . AHMAD
Publication Date : 2019-12-30
Journal Name : Rawal Medical Journal


Objective: To see the effects of combined manual postural correction technique in patients with upper cross syndrome.
Methodology: In this randomized controlled trial, 30 patients were enrolled in study; 15 in experimental group and 15 in control group. The study was conducted in the department of physiotherapy, District Head Quarter hospital, Swabi, Pakistan from January to May 2018. Only 25 to 60 years old participants of both genders were included with the check list of upper cross syndrome, neck pain, round shoulders and forward head posture. Numeric pain rating scale, Neck disability index, Inch ruler method and Craniovertebral angle were used for outcome measurement. SPSS version 22 was used for analyze data.
Results: A combined manual technique was almost equally effective against self-stretching technique (˃0.05). Results of numerical pain rating scale and craniovertebral angle improved by applying the combined manual posture correction technique in experimental group. Statically data showed that combined manual posture correction technique had same effect as self-stretching but clinically the technique showed better result than self-stretching. The technique was more beneficial in decreasing neck pain.
Conclusion: The study concluded that combined manual technique in upper cross syndrome was equally effective for neck pain and inch ruler method against self-stretching. It was more effective for improvement of craniovertebral angle and Neck disability index than other individual stretching or self-stretching.


NPRS, NDI, IRM, Craniovertebral angle, Absolute Rotation Angle

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