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Effectiveness of the Counseling Supportive Program on Sexual Quality of Life and depression among Hysterectomy women: A randomized, controlled trial (RCT)

Author name : Ayat Masoud Omar Masoud
Publication Date : 2024-08-26
Journal Name : Trends in Nursing and Health Care Journal


Hysterectomy can disrupt reproductive health and sexual life, leading to decreased quality of life and potential depression. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of counseling supportive program in improving sexual quality of life and reducing depression levels in hysterectomy patients. Design A randomized controlled design was employed. Setting The study was conducted at the gynecology outpatient clinic of El-Mansoura University. Sample 58 hysterectomy women were selected through simple random sampling, divided into two equal groups, with data collected between November 2023 and April 2024. The program began post-discharge, with follow-up visits after 2 and 4 months. Data Collection Tools Three tools were used: Structured Interviewing Questionnaire: Socio-demographic data and sexual relations health. Patient Health Questionnaire: Assessing depression levels and self-reported sexual quality of life. Knowledge and reported Practice Tools: Nutrition, fluid intake, sleep patterns, pelvic floor muscles, and deep breathing exercises. Results: Pre-Program: 75.9% had low sexual quality of life, 48.3% had high depression, and 34.5% had poor self-practice. Post-Program: Significant improvements (p = 0.001) in knowledge and self-practice. Conclusion :The counseling supportive program significantly improves sexual quality of life and reduces depression among hysterectomy women compared to the control group. Recommendations: Counsel couples on sexual concerns, encourage healthy sexual behaviors, rehabilitate post-hysterectomy women and conduct larger studies for nationwide results.


Hysterectomy, women, Counseling, Sexual Quality of Life, Depression

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