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Prediction of Data Threats over Web Medium using Advanced Blockchain based Information Security with Crypto Strategies

Publication Date : 2021-03-02
Journal Name : Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing


A field of information security provides an efficiency to manage the records over remote server with proper privacy preserving norms. These kinds of information privacy are required today to maintain ones record into the server without any security issues. Due to the machinery world, everyone requires some smart technologies and maintain their data globally over remote server such as cloud to establish a global communication medium between one and another. However, in this case security is a major concern, which is meant by two ways such as data security and the user privacy. The information or data needs more concern, which is available into the remote place, because several categories of intruders and attackers are always aware to sniff the content of others to attain benefit from that. The term data integrity is the major thing, consider over the digital data processing industry. In this paper, a new methodology is introduced to provide information security to users in an innovative way by integrating most important features of digital data processing industry together such as: blockchain, cryptography, access control and some data security features. These features are collectively integrated together over the proposed approach and termed it as blockchain enabled data security (BEDS). Each and every security norms of the mentioned things will be explained in brief over further sections. Several types of attacks are tried out by the attackers to induce server data to manipulate it for their own purpose. By inducing the threats over the remote server, the attackers can silently accumulate the data without any traces on the system. Usually these kinds of attacks are happened over the client machine by means of injection logics. In this paper, the proposed approach BEDS provide a complete solution to avoid such type of injection attacks by means of enhanced privacy preserving scenario as well as powerful blockchain based crypto norms. The cryptographic features enable the security on server side, even the attackers can get the records from the server, in which it maintains the records on cipher format, so that the attacker cannot accumulate the original records at any case. The outcome of the proposed approach blockchain enabled data security proves the efficiency of data security with high accuracy ratio, resolving of privacy issues over digital data processing industry with proper graphical views, crypto features and its performance based on time and accuracy concerns.


Block chain · Data integrity · Information security · Cryptography · Injection attack · Blockchain enabled data security · Beds · Remote server · Data threats

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