Safety and Mobility Performance Comparison of Two-Plus-One and Two-Lane Two-Way Roads: A Simulation Study
Two-plus-one (2+ 1) highways are a special configuration of two-lane two-way (TLTW) highways with a continuous center lane that is used to alternate passing lanes. The main objective of this paper is, therefore, to evaluate the suitability of the 2+ 1 design for Middle East conditions as a replacement for traditional TLTW roads with higher traffic volumes or as an interim solution before transforming TLTW roads into four-lane highways. In our analysis, we considered both safety and mobility performances by comparing the 2+ 1 and TLTW designs. The new suggested 2+ 1 designs were evaluated, with the first design prohibiting overtaking in the opposite direction, while the second design permitted it. Additionally, two-speed-limit strategies, uniform speed limit (USL), and differential speed limit (DSL) were also evaluated. The results showed that the 2+ 1 design, which prohibited overtaking in the opposite direction, was superior to TLTW in terms of mobility and safety, while the other design compromised safety compared to TLTW. The results provide valuable information to policymakers, urban planners, and transport authorities to guide evidence based decisions on the integration of the 2+ 1 design as a viable solution for sustainable and efficient transportation.