An Improved Self-Organized Data Routing Proto- col for Sensors-Based Monitoring Systems using Cognitive Radio Technology
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of the
most widely recognized dynamic systems used for monitoring
and tracking. Cognitive radio technology has been incorporated
into wireless sensors to meet the frequency requirements of WSN-
based systems such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and vehicular
networks. As a matter of fact, data routing has a great impact
on self-organized networks. We therefore introduce a cognitive
dynamic low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (CDLEACH)
protocol dedicated to cognitive WSNs. CDLEACH is based on
a dynamic cognitive clustering approach. In fact, the number
of cluster heads (CH) should be adjusted over the network
lifetime based on the number of alive sensor nodes (SNs). In
addition, SNs with the highest observed idle channels are selected
as CHs. In order to test the proposed data routing algorithm
under realistic circumstances, we derive the analytical energy
model in which the energy-sensing range of the consumed SNs is
taken into account. The simulation results show that CDLEACH
provides a significant reduction of the energy consumption of
SNs. Consequently, a good enhancement in terms of network
lifetime is shown in addition to an increase of the amount of
transmitted data.