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An Effective Data Science Technique for IoT-Assisted Healthcare Monitoring System with a Rapid Adoption of Cloud Computing

Publication Date : 2022-01-08
Journal Name : Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience


Patients are required to be observed and treated continually in some emergency situations. However, due to time constraints, visiting the hospital to execute such tasks is challenging. This can be achieved using a remote healthcare monitoring system. The proposed system introduces an effective data science technique for IoT supported healthcare monitoring system with the rapid adoption of cloud computing that enhances the efficiency of data processing and the accessibility of data in the cloud. Many IoT sensors are employed, which collect real healthcare data. These data are retained in the cloud for the processing of data science. In the Healthcare Monitoring-Data Science Technique (HM-DST), initially, an altered data science technique is introduced. This algorithm is known as the Improved Pigeon Optimization (IPO) algorithm, which is employed for grouping the stored data in the cloud, which helps in improving the prediction rate. Next, the optimum feature selection technique for extraction and selection of features is illustrated. A Backtracking Search-Based Deep Neural Network (BS-DNN) is utilized for classifying human healthcare. The proposed system’s performance is finally examined with various healthcare datasets of real time and the variations are observed with the available smart healthcare systems for monitoring.


Remote Healthcare Monitoring, Internet of Things (IoT), Improved Pigeon Optimization (IPO) Algorithm, Backtracking Search-Based Deep Neural Network (BS-DNN), Cloud Computing.

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