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Stroke awareness and knowledge in Sudan: a cross-sectional analysis of public perceptions and understanding

Publication Date : 2024-05-01
Journal Name : Frontiers in Public Health


Introduction: Stroke, a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, demands heightened awareness and knowledge for effective preventive strategies and tailored response. Sudan is classified as a low income country with a low rate of literacy, lack of knowledge, and awareness about diseases. Thus, this study aimed to assess stroke awareness and knowledge among Sudanese population, and identify the associated factors influencing awareness.

Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted between October and November 2022 through a self-administered online survey distributed via various social media platforms. The study involved adults aged 18 years and above through snow-ball sampling technique. The survey covered general awareness and knowledge concerning stroke risk factors, consequences, and the appropriate responses taken during acute stroke attacks.

Results: A total of 410 participants were enrolled in the study, majority (93.4%) were from urban area and had university degree (92.4%). Furthermore, 92.2% were aware about stroke and 74.9% were able to recognize the symptoms of stroke. Only 40.2% identified all correct answers, 96.3, 92.3, and 95.1% recognized at least one risk factor, early symptom, and consequences, respectively. Females were significantly more than males able to identify at least one risk factor. Almost all participants (99.5%) perceived stroke as a serious disease (99.5%). Notably, 86.3% would promptly transport a suspected stroke patient to the hospital. The multivariable analysis showed that females versus males and patients with depression versus without depression had significantly higher odds to identify at least one risk factor (OR of 14.716 [95% CI 1.901; 113.908] and 0.241 [95% CI 0.059; 0.984], respectively).

Conclusion: The study concluded that stroke knowledge and awareness among Sudanese population is suboptimal. Furthermore, early stroke recognition and intake of the appropriate management strategies are lacking which highlights the need for targeted education and awareness campaigns.


Stroke, awareness, Sudan

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