Mechanism of Internet of Things (IoT) Integrated with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology for Healthcare System
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has already demonstrated its use. RFID is used in many productions for different applications, for example, apparatus chasing, personal and vehicle access panels, logistics, baggage, and safetyitems in departmental stores. -e main benefits of RFID are optimizing resources, quality customer service, improvedaccuracy, and efficient business and healthcare procedures. In addition, RFID can help to recognize appropriate in-formation and help advance the probability of objects for certain functions. Nevertheless, RFID components need to bestudied for use in healthcare. Antennas, tags, and readers are the main components of RFID. -e study of these elementsprovides an understanding of the usage and integration of these components in healthcare environments. -e security ofthe patient is now a global alarm for public health, particularly among older people who need integrated and techno-logically integrated physiological health monitoring systems to monitor medical needs and manage them. -is paperproposes using Internet of -ings (IoT) and RFID tags as an effective healthcare monitoring system. In this method, weutilize RFID dual-band protocols that are useful for identifying individual persons and are used to monitor body in-formation using high frequency. -e patient’s physiological data are monitored and collected by sensors to recognize thepatient, using an RFID tag. -e IoT-based RFID healthcare provides the elderly and people with physiological information.-e aim is also to secure patient health records using the signing algorithm based on the hyperelliptic curve (HEC) and toprovide the physician with access to health information for patients. Furthermore, the confidentiality of the medicalrecords for patients of variable length is provided. -e evaluation reveals the algorithm proposed for optimum health carewith different genus curves.HindawiMathematical Problems in EngineeringVolume 2022, Article ID 4167700, 8 pages