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Molecular Analysis of Xmn1-Polymorphic Site ´5 to Gγ of the β-Globin Gene Cluster in a Saudi Population of Jazan Region in Correlation with Hb F Expression

Author name : Abozer Yousif A Elderdery
Publication Date : 2022-03-05
Journal Name : Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine


The southern part of Saudi Arabia has an ethnically diverse population where sickle-cell anemia (sickle cell disease) is common, but little is known about its βs haplotypes. The goal of the current study is to ascertain the prevalence of the Hb S gene with analysis of Xmn1 ′5 to Gγ haplotype among the Saudi population in the Jazan area. Initially recorded findings of (1) Hb S gene and (2) hematological parameters with Hb F levels were collected from 5990 participants. Then, the second series of 70 different patients with established sickling disease and 30 healthy individuals as a control group was recruited, in which the genotype of Xmn1 ′5 to Gγ-SNP was performed by PCR-RFLP. In the first series, the prevalence of Hb types was AA at 86.8% (N = 5198), AS at 12.4% (N = 745), and SS at 0.8% (N = 47). Of the second series, three patients (4.3%) were (±) Xmn1 ′5 to Gγ and 67 (95.7%) were (−/−) in Xmn1 ′5 to Gγ. In the controls, the (±) Xmn1 ′5 to Gγ was observed in only one individual (3.3%), aged 30. These findings possibly represent a new Saudi haplotype, [±] Xmn1 ′5 to Gγ. Our results demonstrate that most patients with SCD in Jazan have [−/−] Xmn1 with higher levels of Hb F and positive Xmn1 ′5 to Gγ normally associated with a low level of Hb F.


HbF, β-Globin Gene, Sickle cell anaemia, Jazan Region

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